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GM Farcaster: like liberally
GM Farcaster: the shipping $degens
GM Farcaster: $points & warps & warps & $points
GM Farcaster: Pac-Man eats warps
GM Farcaster: the shipstorm continues!
CastOut – the Farcaster Survivor Game
As Onchain Summer was announced, I had a crazy idea: what if I created a Survivor inspired game that was played completely on Farcaster?
GM Farcaster
GM Farcaster bringing you news from the Farcaster ecosystem.
We had an amazing time in Denver and we were so excited to see so many of you! GMFC Karaoke Brunch was one of our favorite events, as well as the Farcaster meetup. Thanks Lil Nouns for sponsoring our show and our karaoke brunch. Catch up on it all in this Eth Denver recap edition!
Every get to Tuesday and realize you forgot to do something on Sunday? And then you might as well wait until the next Sunday? so yup, that's where we are so welcome to a double issue of This week in GM Farcaster! And there's a lot to catch up on so let's dive in!
GM Farcaster Network is hoppin! And coming up this week we have a couple special guests: Luca Netz, CEO of Pudgy Penguins, on Wednesday and Dan Romero, co-founder of Farcaster, on Thursday! AND we are expecting a lot to ship this week so you won't want to miss either chat! Set those notifications on our YouTube channel! And before we get this next week started, check out last week's episodes below...
Ok whoops -- we missed a week so this ones a double decker! We may have been distracted by all the gaming on Farcaster, especially Farcade -- and we had a great chat with Farcade founder @chuckstock! We also chatted with @humpty and @sahil about /cryptosapiens' use of Cura and /openrank AND big news! We are now on! Collect all our Season 3 episodes on /pods! And check out our interview with @simmons of /pods.
This past week, @heavygweit filled in for Adrienne in ep199 -- thanks Erica -- and @chaskin.eth joined us for episode 200 with a chat about The Ethereum Foundation. AND Season 2 of GM Farcaster has come to a close with episode 200 and we'll be kicking off season 3 tomorrow! Thanks to everyone for watching, listening, chatting, sponsoring, hypersubbing and supporting us throughout season 2.
What a week last week: We had two amazing interviews -- Tuesday with @dwr.eth Dan Romero cofounder of Farcaster; and Friday we chatted with @mats cofounder of Dune. This week we gear up for CastOut, our Survivor inspired game that turns Farcaster frames and apps into challenges. Dive into our recap!
Apparently, Farcaster is so back! (wait -- where did we go?) It's been a busy start to November and we even touched on some politics this week (mostly memes -- don't get too scared).
What a great way to end October and start up November! No tricks, just treats! This week we in addition to our usual shenanigans, we had @martin stop by to chat about @aethernet; streamed modules 3 and 4 of Farcaster 101 on frames; and launched The Hub with @dylsteck, welcoming him to the GM Farcaster Network!
Happy 2nd Birthday Purple! On Friday, we celebrated Purple DAOs birthday with our special guest Chris Carella @ccarella, founder of Purple. PLUS we launched Farcaster 101 this week thanks to Snickerdoodle! Learn more and see all our episodes from last week.