I’ve watched every season of Survivor. A super fan of sorts. As Onchain Summer was announced, I had a crazy idea: what if I created a Survivor inspired game that was played completely on Farcaster?
I started thinking about this back when @cassie did a Hunger Games when group direct casts were launched. Each day half the group was voted out. I made it to the Final Four in one of those games. It was fun and a shared experience with some casters I didn’t know well. A bit of a bonding moment.
When Crypto the Game launched, I realized that there might be many people who would enjoy a similar game in the Farcaster ecosystem. So I designed a basic framework and recruited 16 players (mostly Farcaster frens) and shared the idea with them:
· 2 tribes of 8 (16 players total); each tribe with a group chat (your island); if you are “CastOut” you’re removed from the GC
· 2 challenges each week that are built on or have a connection to Farcaster
· Votes occurring during GM Farcaster: CastOut edition on Tuesdays/Thursdays and announced on the live stream
· The Halving after the 3rd challenge cutting down to 7 players (merge/the jury)
· Ending June 27, with the winner receiving 100k $degen; runner up 10k $degen
· Some challenges would also have “rewards” ($degen from the prize wallet)
· Bracket Game to extend the fun beyond the players
· And YES there would be hidden immunity idols
I also let them know that “there is a social layer to the game BUT keep it fun! Remember – you still have to “see” these frens on FC after it’s all over so keep it civil.”
And 16 very busy people – many founders, all Farcaster OGs – agreed to be my beta testers. On June 3, I officially launched CastOut and I could not possibly have anticipated just how fun this would be.
The game started with two tribes – wowow and mole (yes, leaning into OG Farcaster memes) battling in a custom created Yoink! Game (thanks @horsefacts) that lasted 24 hours. If you’re not familiar, Yoink! is an in-frame capture the flag game. Each tribe would try to steal it from the other, the goal being to hold it for the most time in the 24 hour period. I knew I had selected some competitive folks. I underestimated just how competitive, many setting alarms and giving up sleep to ensure that they won. Mole tribe took the first win.
As with Survivor, the tribe that won, got immunity. The other tribe had to vote someone off their island. So wowow had to cast out the first player. (sorry @jacek)
Then onto a meme challenge – with your tribe, create a meme. Whichever meme got the most likes, won immunity. Since meme lord @nonlinear was on the wowow tribe, they definitely had an advantage and it played out as expected. Mole had a good showing but had to cast someone out. (bye @briang)
From there, it was Speedtracer, a fun game where you trace a racetrack as fast as you can. @sammy created a custom Farcaster arch track and each player was given enough eth on Base to mint their scores and get on the leaderboard. This challenge had both tribe and individual elements. Speedtracer had just incorporated Farcaster leaderboards which made it extra fun. (the track is still available to play: https://www.speedtracer.xyz/154)
This challenge was the halving – half the players were voted out. Whichever tribe had a player at the top of the leaderboard at the end of the game would have to vote off fewer players. The top players on each tribe had individual immunity. And seven players left the game, leaving seven to continue on in an individual game. (thanks for playing @dylsteck.eth @yb @ivy @brennen.eth @rileybeans @ispeaknerd.eth and @nonlinear.eth)
The next 4 challenges were Hot Potato (frame game), create a Ponder survey, Boregon Trail (frame game) and Super Dunk (frame game). The remaining seven players – @ted @heavygweit @christin @grace @cameron @adrienne and @toadyhawk.eth – were all fierce competitors and they went hard.
In the end there were two (@adrienne and @toadyhawk) and just like in Survivor, the jury they had voted off, determined the winner. The jury voted for the dedicated and impressive gameplay of Toady and he became the sole survivor of CastOut season zero (the beta).
Yes, this was definitely a fun game! And /bracket provided a great way for those on the sidelines to get some skin in the game and the CastOut streams gave the audience a glimpse into what was happening behind the scenes. CastOut even had its first superfan (thanks @jayce!). And some of the games allowed for others to play along or even help their favorite CastOut players win a challenge. (memes, Ponder survey and Super Dunk could all help your favorite win; for Yoink! Speedtracer and Boregon Trail, there was an opportunity to win a prize for those outside of the CastOut players)
The game went better than I could have hoped and engaged both the players and the audience watching along. For the tribe challenges, the players got the added benefit of working with and getting to know other casters better.
I knew that incorporating Bracket Game was a good idea but it exceeded my expectations. This drove attention from some who likely wouldn’t have even noticed the game or watched otherwise.
We had strong viewer numbers for all the live streams and an active chat where some of the players would interact along with those watching along. They were invested.
But one of the main goals was to see how many projects/apps/frames/builders from the Farcaster ecosystem I could incorporate and show off. It also turned out to be a great way to load test some of these games that normally don’t get that heavy level of play.
Here are the projects/businesses that were incorporated into CastOut:
- @warpcast (obviously)
- @unlonely for streaming (on Base)
- @zora NFT drops (on Base)
- @base for NFTs, $degen prize, /unlonely etc
- $degen for the prize pool (from my personal airdrop)
- @bracketgame for interactive play (on Base, $degen prize)
- @hypersub – GM Farcaster subscribers were gifted /bracketgame packs (on Base)
- @framedl and @poap for one of the hidden immunity idols
- @yoink by @horsefacts (1st challenge, frame game)
- /memes channel (2nd challenge)
- @speedtracer by @sammy (3rd challenge, on Base)
- @hotpotato by @nbragg (4th challenge, frame game)
- @ponder /survey (5th challenge)
- @theboregontrail by @breadcat using $bored (6th challenge, frame game on Base)
- @pinatacloud – premiere partner and creator of Super Dunk game (7th challenge, frame game)
- Minisweeper by @playmini for tie breaker (frame game)
- @snickerdoodle frame to promote CastOut finale
- @bountycaster for the prize bounty
- @paragraph for this recap
- Voting using @deform by @unhappiimochii
- @automod in the /castout channel
- @neynar and @airstack and likely others I’m not even aware of in the background for many of the frames and apps
CastOut ended yesterday with a final tribal council of sorts and revealed Toady as the winner live on the GM Farcaster CastOut edition. So the questions start – wen next season?
I need a bit of time to reflect, a brief vacation and some time to iterate but we’ll definitely run it back, likely in August. And this will be just the first of many competition games/shows.
If this all sounds fun to you, follow the /castout channel and look for the opportunity to apply. If you missed it, you can find all the CastOut streams in the CastOut playlist on the GM Farcaster’s channel on YouTube or on Zora.
And as I said in the all the trailers:
Collect this post as an NFT.
Over 500 subscribers
Are you ready to OutWit, OutPlay, and OutCast? Grab your tribe of five and fill out this /castout form to apply! OR if you'd like to sponsor CastOut, fill out this form -- we are looking for 8 sponsors to help us bootstrap our prize pool. (more info on the application form below) Not sure what CastOut is all about? Check out our recap from our first season: https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout APPLY HERE: https://app.deform.cc/form/8114a7f1-6870-487c-9fe9-7001aec8930c
@dwr.eth here’s your /castout primer ⬆️—our Survivor inspired FC game — we did CastOut the beta in June. Next season starts next Monday for 9 days of challenges.
Will I have to eat any bugs?
I can not confirm or deny anything regarding the super top secret challenges. 🐛🐜🪲
The clanker tribe and team aether are going to do battle with the immunity idol (a 6 ft tall question mark) up for grabs.
Oh a 6 foot ? Immunity idol would be something
/burrfrens will sponsor for some prizes!! @jacek this is real dope and @nounishprof is a pillar of this community! We all love /gmfarcaster 🔥
I’d love a /burrfrens tribe too!!!! cc: @jacy
i’m trying to pull some strings 😃
ALSO — I’d love to drop some $castout to you for upcoming /burrfrens play! I’ll dc you in a bit!
Put me in coach!
ok I don’t have a team but I just applied!!!! excited 🤩
Yay!!! We will put folks into tribes so no worries!
Yes, yes 🖤🖤🖤 Summoning my team
Do it!!!!! I would LOVE that!!
We are on it
GM Purple! 🟪 Sharing /gmfarcaster for the latest #retropgf in /purple. We've now streamed 149 episodes of GM Farcaster, sharing /farcaster news and proliferating FC builders on multiple platforms, including streaming live 3x a week on YouTube, Twitter, @unlonely and within our own Streamyard platform, plus sharing recordings on all podcast platforms including Spotify and Apple. During the past 3 months, in addition to our usual stream, we've had a few guests pop by including @wwarren from /matcha, @mazmhussain and @betashop.eth on /moxie launch day. We also launched /castout at the beginning of onchain summer, a Survivor inspired game, with 16 players and a /bracket, highlighting and utilizing different games and projects in the Farcaster and @base ecosystems. Read all about it in the @paragraph post below. (continued in reply) https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout
Continuing on -- we also did a fun GM in the PM where @pichi hopped on to share the latest about @purple. We also share news from /purple often on the show as well. We've continued our Here for the Art series with @brianmorris.eth as our August artist, who produced an amazing piece for us plus a podcast interview to share his artist/FC journey, and have upcoming art and podcast coming this week from @reneecampbell. Coming up this week, we'll be joining /farcasterfridays with a url option for those who can't get to an IRL one, and we'll be celebrating our one year anniversary next Friday Sept 13 with 24 hours of programming! You can find our latest episodes and info about upcoming streams in /gmfarcaster. Thanks for considering us for the latest retro round! (below is the GM in the PM with Pichi and others) https://youtu.be/QZFNuh9aaOs?si=N0cCxVwtR-zkYkXQ
Looking forward to watching myself 😁
I can’t wait!!! Please keep me posted 😍
Will do 🤍🤍
Btw, will it be video format too?
Congrats to both of you! Amazing work!
Thanks Kaloh! We love building here!
Super excited for this 🤩♥️♥️
...and you're just getting started! congrats on the traction already
almost one year! hard to believe -- but yes, we are just getting started! Here for the long haul with you on the road to 1 million DAU!
great numbers, wish i could vote!
Huge fan of your work!
awww thanks! 🫶 and right back at you!
Big fan of your work.
💜 thanks so much!!
Well done!!!! Keep going 🌹🌹
You two are doing fantastic job! Always on my YouTube notifications ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥
So amazing! Keep creating fam!
This is high Congrats …looking forward to the anniversary 💜
🎮 No Wallet, Just Play! 🎮 Join the Onchain Summer buildathon and compete for a $2,500 USDC bounty! We're looking for game developers and creative minds to create games that attract mainstream users onchain. @bountybot We can't wait to see your viral gamified loops
aaaand if you're in Barcelona join us for a build weekend and code with other builders and developers in our space. Details here: https://lu.ma/qkoud43g /barcelona /catala
We'll be awarding prizes for: 1️⃣ The two best apps built using Openfort on BASE: 1,000 USDC each 2️⃣ A smaller prize pool for other exciting BASE builders: 500 USDC split evenly
Thank you! Up on our buildathon page now https://www.bountycaster.xyz/onchainsummer
Updated bounty frame here https://www.bountycaster.xyz/bounty/0xb9d460e77ded9d66d81accf849b1ee239fa9c926?widget=fc-2024-04-08
Submission from Alec through our non-Farcaster user DeForm "Basedball🎩⚾️ is a fair onchain probabilities game to earn & burn crypto" https://basedball.tips/ DM me if you want contact info!
Not your typical onchain game but I built /castout a social game inspired by Survivor that utilized multiple games/frames on Farcaster & Base. You can read the recap here on paragraph. https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout
This week I built -- the finale of /castout -- and I'm exhausted lol Read all about it here: https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout
You killed it 💛
right back at you! 🔵💛
wow, @nounishprof, I just read that in entirety. So glad you took the time to write that. That must have been so much fun for all the participants and I’m sure they all got to know each other so much better. I love at the end how you list all the projects that you integrated and the builders who made them. I learned so much that I didn’t know before reading this. I’ll definitely be more engaged for the upcoming season as I now understand it! 200 $degen
Thanks so much for reading! Yes was lots of fun (and lots of work lol) and can’t wait to run it back!
my pleasure! yes, on the flip side, I can’t even imagine how much work this was to put together and to maintain and to complete, incredible, I bet it feels fantastic now!
this bounty has been completed by @toadyhawk.eth by winning /castout Read more about CastOut below https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout
This bounty has been completed by @adrienne who came in second in /castout Read about the game here https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout
This week I built… alliances, and won many onchain competitions in the final week of /castout, a farcaster-native Survivor-like game hosted by @gmfarcaster over the past 3 weeks! Yesterday, I emerged as the Sole Survivor, winning the grand prize of 100K $DEGEN, which I donated to the/yellow collective to support artists and creatives on @base. 💛 Huge props to @nounishprof for organizing Castout, it was really cool to have a reality-TV-like experience, but with all the social interactions happening in farcaster DC’s and all the competitions happening onchain and in-frame, plus people playing along at home via @bracketgame and @unlonely This is the kind of novel onchain activity that I think can be huge for onboarding!
ICYMI @nounishprof just posted a nice post mortem on the inaugural season of /castout via @paragraph here that will get you up to speed! https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout?referrer=0xceed9585854f12f81a0103861b83b995a64ad915
Thanks for putting your all into it!!!
All that whilst you were sick? ggs only
Can’t stop won’t stop
A retrospective of GM Farcaster's /castout with a rundown of all the challenges and all the frames/apps/projects that were incorporated. Thank you again to all who played, participated in /bracket and watched the streams. Hope you had as much fun as I did! https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout
Thanks to all the players -- first up the mole tribe: @toadyhawk.eth (CastOut season zero winner!) @adrienne (runner-up) @christin (jury) @cameron (jury) @dylsteck.eth @yb @ivy @briang https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout
AND thanks to the wowow tribe: @grace (jury, final four) @erica (jury) @ted (jury) @brennen.eth (and thanks for the name CastOut!) @rileybeans @ispeaknerd.eth @nonlinear.eth @jacek https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout
This game incorporated many Farcaster frames/apps/projects -- you can see the full list in the paragraph post. Special thanks to: @horsefacts.eth for custom /yoink frame @sammy for the custom /speedtracer track @nbragg for /hotpotato @breadcat for @theboregontrail @ponder for the survey challenge @pinatacloud for Super Dunk and of course @tldr and @passafiume.eth for /bracket More shoutouts in the @paragraph post. https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout
An honor to be a part of history here. And a whole lot of fun!
thanks for letting me play a small role in all that you created! honoured! excited for more ideas to flow and more things to be built!
Thanks for creating such a great game -- it was perfect for this! More to come for sure!
if you have a wish list on games/events it's good to say them out loud... someone may build them
It was a blast and watch and really fun to play along at the end!
Thanks for playing pichi! and I expect to see your application for the next season!
Ok a lil late but here it is: a retrospective on /castout the Farcaster Survivor inspired game that incorporated 21+ plus Farcaster frames/apps/projects and 16 casters as players. OutWit, OutPlay, OutCast. https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/castout
So good!! This was a lot of fun to read after being a viewer and fan of Castout and seeing it all play out. Thank you for making it a fun summer to remember and can’t wait for more ☀️🙏🏼
Thanks for watching & hanging in the chat!! 1616 $degen
Thank you!🙏🏼it was a blast
Survivor superfan @nounishprof just wrapped up CastOut, a Farcaster-based game inspired by the TV show. Sixteen players competed in various challenges with tribe votes, hidden immunity idols, and a prize of 100k $degen. Toady emerged as the winner after intense battles and strategic gameplay.