For the first time in my life, I am excited to build on social media 🌐
No more bait-and-switch social media platforms, nerfing my reach until I pay for advertising.
No more fracturing my self across 10 platforms, burning out along the way.
I feel as though I can truly build my own world, in public, so others can join me on my journey ✨
Welcome to Worldbuilding 🌍 ✨
First off, hello to the 32 subscribers who joined me since my first Recalibrating Entry 🧭 ✨ I'm blown away at this response after only one week and greatly appreciate you taking the time to read my words 🫡
For those new here, Paragraph is the medium-form extension of my long-form Recalibrating newsletter currently on Substack & my website:
🧭 Recalibrating = align the self & identify your path forward
🌎 Worldbuilding = practical Recalibrating
The goal of Worldbuilding is to help you build in your unique, calibrated style, leaving a trail for those walking the path behind you so that we can learn in public, together.
To help me build up my own world, please consider joining the /cal channel on FC & sharing this frame/entry with someone who may find it valuable. Word of mouth is the best way to build a world with people who resonate with one another 🤝 ✨
It’s incredibly satisfying to feel that what I am building here on @farcaster is perhaps the last time I will ever need to build on a social network
I realize that sounds like a bold statement, a prediction of the future. Prescience 👀
To help you understand the future as I see it, I thought it would be helpful to take a look back at where Farcaster came from and why the original name of "RSS+" provides a helpful prediction of its future in the creator economy as a whole.
An overview of today's entry:
Problems with current social media;
How Farcaster Social Graph + blockchain integration = solutions;
The context tying the problems to the solutions; and
Why you should care to build your own world rather than stay within the walled worlds of web2.
Let's dive in ✨
Cross-posting Burnout: keeping up with each platform requires a ton of work;
High Noise/Low Signal: Very few people engage meaningfully with content, if they do, it’s spread across all social platforms (no feedback = no recalibration);
Poor Payment Rails: It's difficult to directly tip/pay the creator, or very high platform fees (reduced micro-transaction ability);
Low/No Network effect: Algorithmic boosting is usually reserved for large creators (small creators can’t leverage Reed’s Law);
Creators burn themselves out trying to keep up with 10+ social media platforms, each refusing to work with the others. Sure, you can use an aggregator account that cross-posts for you, but the web2 platforms often recognize this 3rd-party posting and algorithmically nerf the posts.
Feedback is an essential part of building your world. If you do not know what your audience values, you can't recalibrate your publishing system to augment the value you are sharing.
Additionally, this feedback is spread across 10+ platforms, making it difficult to keep track. There's no linked social graph. Even if there is feedback, it's usually 🔥🔥🔥... nice, but not helpful.
A primitive of Web2 social media is that it is built to give things away for free. It is an attention-mining system, not a creator-monetization system. Even if there is payment, it is subject to ridiculously high app-store fees (30%) or is incredibly low value. E.g., Instagram now has "stars" for reels, where each star is worth $0.01. Creators get 50 M+ views and earn $0.01 on them...
Finally, for most creators, they do not get the algorithmic boost of network effects. These effects are reserved for creators who will bring in ad revenue, likely with 100,000+ followers. Sure, Metcalfe's law says that the value of a network increases as the square of the # of users of the network, but that is a global network effect, not catered to an individual creator.
The algorithm decides who gets to take advantage of Reed's Law, boosting groups in the network that pay to play (paid vs organic content).
There has to be a better way.
RSS & Simultaneous Omni-Channel Distribution
RSS+ upgrade (Social Graph Engagement Aggregator + Blockchain)
Revenue Share & Blockchain Payment Rails (micro and macro transactions)
Micro-Network Effects With True Fans & True Communities
I'll get more into the details below, but here's a quick overview of each solution:
RSS is a technology that enables simultaneous cross-posting to any number of platforms. Cross-posting like this is referred to as "omni-channel marketing" and is one of the best ways for creators to diversify their posting portfolio. E.g., with my podcast, I can upload it to one location, distribute via RSS, and it is sent to all podcast "readers".
The consumer is able to consume where they like, the creator is able to host where they want. Note: this is referred to as "headless marketplaces", and is how I found Farcaster after reading this Variant article.
RSS+, the original name of Farcaster, got the "+" by adding a social graph to Farcaster, authenticated via blockchain.
The addition of blockchain to Farcaster enables payment rails built into the social graph from the ground up. Verified identity & crypto rails enable instantaneous creator payout and revenue share with fans who promote their creations.
The addition of revenue share gives fans some skin in the game. They are rewarded for sharing the works of creators. When they pay it forward, creators pay it back.
This reciprocity between creator and fan helps build what I call a "True Community". The True Community are the players in the game of the world built by the creator 🌍
This True Community forms micro-network effects that leverage Reed's law, boosting the value of the Creator and the True Fans, simultaneously 🤝
Now, let's dive a little deeper ✨
We need to think about the Internet differently if we are to make a true run at decentralized social systems
We need to think in terms of direct linkage between the creator and the consumer in a post-platform manner (independent of the platform the user views the creations on), AKA building for headless marketplaces.
RSS was originally intended to provide this linkage.
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and was invented for consumers to directly receive the outputs of creators. (Note, I use the term "creator" for artists, writers, knowledge workers, builders -- people who create and output anything)
Originally, consumers could subscribe to RSS feeds from their favourite blogs and receive the posts in the reader of their choice. The creator and the consumer were directly linked with no intermediary. If a user didn't like the RSS reader anymore, they could move their feed to a different client (reader).
Unfortunately, with the rise of web2 and the associated risks of building on the quicksand of closed-system platforms, RSS lost out to the network effects being generated behind walled gardens.
Web2 social networks used APIs to kill RSS on their platforms, which made it difficult for users to track identities of the people they had followed on, e.g., Twitter.
There was no distributed social graph.
This lack of identity linkages meant that RSS could not keep up with web2 social media platforms as users scaled via network effects in the late 2000's and early 2010's. Users stayed on platform because there was a centralized network effect that boosted their engagement... for the short term.
I get more into RSS and its failure in my long-form newsletter (linked at the end). For now, it's useful to note that RSS technology is still used today for blogs and, perhaps more commonly, podcasts.
RSS failed because there was no way to properly track user identities across the system in a way that maintained the decentralization of RSS itself.
RSS is effectively a system of metadata file usage and information transfer. The information packet goes from one person (the creator) to another (the consumer). Writer 🤝 reader.
There was a direct link between the two.
According to Dan Romero, one of the co-founders of Farcaster, the “+” came from introducing a social graph in a manner that allowed for identity verification across the RSS distribution.
Blockchain enabled the +
By linking an identity to blockchain on the Farcaster protocol, it’s now possible to have a decentralized social graph that receives all posts (casts) on the network, from any source.
With blockchain, any “reader” can check the authenticity of the "writer" (caster) and approve the cast to be added to the Farcaster network.
The powerful part of this system isn’t only with creators distributing their casts to the entire network (though that helps with burnout, they only have to cast once), the powerful part is that the consumer can also verifiably interact (i.e., engage) with the cast, and engagement is logged in the network.
web3 social graphs enable creators to pay back fans who pay it forward
When using Farcaster (aka RSS+), the social graph is used to verify both the creator and the consumer.
This connection has at least three benefits:
Engagement aggregation;
1-click, in-app purchasing; and
Revenue sharing with fans.
One of the main reasons I started using Paragraph is that when a Paragraph post is shared as a frame on the Farcaster protocol (e.g., on Warpcast), any comments below that frame get automatically pulled into the comment section of my Paragraph Post 🤯
Feedback from fans is aggregated to a single location for me and others to review and respond.
This feature goes a long way for leveraging the social graph of Farcaster to reduce burnout of creators, enabling them to conserve energy by building community via their own posts, rather than fracture their attention across 10+ platforms.
Amazon made many billions from its 1-click checkout patented technology. This same technology is now available within Farcaster via "pay-with-warps", the in-app currency, used in frames.
For more on the value of this system and why I think this is, perhaps, the biggest game-changer to social media since the introduction of video, I have a long-form entry here.
NOTE: frames are getting full transaction support in the near future, which means that in-app payments won't be limited to warps, plan accordingly 👀
Accordingly, creators can create and share a product (e.g., NFT, digital download, print, video) and consumers can instantly purchase that good without leaving the app. Due to the RSS nature of Farcaster, the creator can post this product on any platform linked to the social graph, and the consumer can view the product on any platform linked to the social graph. A headless marketplace.
This direct payment allows for direct micro-transactions in social media. As a consumer, if you come across a value packet that you truly value, you can give $1 (or more) to the creator as a sign of thanks. In return, the creator can give you a token of their appreciation (literally, an NFT).
This builds the creator's 10,000 True Fans. At a few dollars a year, 10,000 True Fans enable sustainable creator monetization.
When added to a subscription system (e.g., Hypersub by Fabric), this consistent low-level monetization can generate sustainable and consistent income (more on this in the next entry).
Now, if the consumer doesn't want to buy the good, but thinks their network would enjoy it, they can reshare the post (recast, quote cast).
Since you are each connected to the same social graph via blockchain authentication, the sharing of the post gets tagged with your unique digital identifier (FID).
If the shared post converts (someone else buys or subscribes), the fan who shared can get a commission for helping to market the creator's work.
When they pay it forward, you can pay it back.
As the creator's community grows, a micro-network forms within the overall Farcaster network, a True Community of fans that help monetize and sustain their creators.
As the network of micro-transactions grows, the creator gets more and more feedback on what works and what doesn't. They're able to recalibrate their system to make it even more valuable.
Eventually, the time will come for the creator to build an even bigger, higher value project. E.g., $500 - $1000 per transaction.
If the creator is able to leverage the micro-network effect they have built with their 10,000 True Fans, ideally, they will be able to find 100 True Fans to buy the high-ticket item. At 100 fans X $500, the creator can make $50,000 in one go. Note, this system can leverage revenue share too, with each transaction earning the referrer $50+.
Effectively, once the micro-network foundation is built, creators can work to have yearly crowdsourced projects that give them financial freedom to continue building their vision, their world, supported by people who have skin in the game, sharing in revenue generated by the continued success of the creator.
By leveraging an RSS style feed, creators can post in a single location (their website) and immediately distribute reformatted content across all social platforms (this is what Worldbuilding is about).
By introducing blockchain, the RSS feed is upgraded to RSS+, adding a social graph and payment rails.
By adding a social graph and payment rails, creators can: be instantaneously paid, aggregate engagement, and reward their fans for helping with conversion (making sales, increasing subscribers, etc).
By rewarding fans for helping them market (via resharing content), a community is built with a shared interest in seeing the creator succeed. A True Community.
This True Community can generate a micro-network effect, helping scale whatever project the creator is looking to build when they are ready to to level up their world.
A synergistic & sustainable creator economy ✨
The full long-form entry can be read on Substack or In this entry, I provide more context and depth on the issues described in this post, including my own current experience with the creator economy and predictive examples on how I see this system developing.
I hope this deeper analysis helps you see the bigger picture of what is being built here. A glimpse of the world I am building 🌍
There are four ways you can support my writing on Paragraph:
Subscribe to future entries, my Substack, or my podcast🫡
Share this post with a friend (if you add your wallet address, you can get referral rewards)
Collect this writing token (100 available at 0.001 ETH)
Collect the cover art token (infinite supply & free)
Any and all support is much appreciated ✨
Over 400 subscribers
Such a great read!
Ok, but what if I feel weird about getting paid to recast stuff? 🤔 What if knowing that ppl are getting paid to shill stuff makes me want to unfollow them? 🤔 One part of me loves the idea of monetizing your network in guerrilla style marketing. It's really effective, why shouldn't this be normalized?? The other part of me feels like it's going to erode people's social network and amps users will just start to become like web2 influencers and it'll kickstart the demise of the vibes in Warpcast and push ppl to alternative clients that have 'amps filters' or something. Well, maybe it's a win-win in that case... but I still feel weird about the idea of getting paid to shill something and following people who do too. Like, what if the recast included the exact amount that was paid, so everyone viewing it could see exactly how much it cost to purchase their attention space. Would that lesson the impact of the recast? Increase it? Have no effect whatsoever?
what if you could see *who* paid to have this person shill something to you? Would that change the value proposition for a potential use-case of this kind of tool?
this could be a good insight @phil
What if the amount you get paid is flexible depending on how much the shilled content is similar to what you normally casted? This would proxy familiarity with the topic. It sounds like the direction should be to reward people for word-of-mouth marketing without it becoming artificial shilling
I agree, being "qualified" to access a paid recast could be interesting! My mind immediately always goes to "how will this be gamed?" Would be interesting to see a system that effectively identifies what you're qualified to recast without incentivizing ppl to just spam content to earn qualifications...
Exactly. I don’t think people will spend considerable amount of time casting high quality content on a topic without having some interests in it. Your expertise/experience in a topic should be rewarded, not your network position
I have similar mixed feelings that have kept me from trying @ampsfun thus far, so thanks for writing this. I like the idea of getting paid to recast something I would have recasted anyway, especially on Farcaster. I want the Farconomy to succeed. But I also think it's wise to tread verrrry carefully with things like this because I've seen economic incentives erode community goodwill and trust in so many different ways. Still not planning to try it myself, but I'm definitely watching the experiment with keen interest and taking notes.
Well said! I definitely like the idea of paying ppl to recast stuff they'd recast anyway. But doing it up front seems counter intuitive to the "would do it anyway" part... Retroactively doing it just creates airdrop farming spam... Interesting problem/opportunity space! Glad smart minds are poking at it!
Yeah I get both sides! Though I think boosting is actually more common than you might think. The key here imo is that it’s for people you follow, so you’ve filtered who you are likely to recast. Additional filter preferences would be good. But also, in an algorithmic system, I miss lots of things I would have recast had I seen it. If it means that much to someone that I/my network see it, I feel like monetizing that “value” is possibly a good thing. I think also that it will depend on how it gets used and the rules applied (eg can announce a launch of something, but not shill something sellable)
Great insights! I agree with your positive cases for it. I also see your point that the devil will be in the details for filtering, etc. It's exciting to see something fresh to experiment with!
Yeah! Exactly, each person will (I’m sure) at some point be able to control exactly the criteria for eligible automated recasts It’s leveraging micro network effects to breach the macro network echo chambers. I actually wrote a bit about this a little while ago:
this is a really great graphic by @zain describing @phil 's @ampsfun Micro-network effect --> macro-network effect = a win for creators While it may not seem like it with the algorithmic feeds of socials today, a lot of what boosts creators is the mindshare of other creators/readers with followings that boost content via reshares (quote tweets, share to storey on insta, referencing content in YT videos). Also, a lot of people think this happens for free, when in fact, many creators get paid to reshare the work of other creators. Brands do this all of the time, but so do creators. Amps helps automate this process by allowing creators to establish a share price and the recaster to automatically receive payment for the reshare. I actually wrote about this effect last year, analyzing the impact of micro-network effects:
tbh, I think frames are still drastically underrated as a technological social primitive. Being able to create any user experience and generate a "window" through a social feed with direct engagability from the user solves so many issues we see with trad socials Frames are what first brought me to fc, and I share more thoughts here:
The /positivesum manifesto Positive Sum is a Farcaster community dedicated to empowering newly arriving creators to find their footing and seasoned users to share their insights. We believe that as Farcaster thrives, everyone benefits. Our immediate mission is to help new users thrive in their first 30 days on @farcaster and we need a community to help us achieve this. @eriks and I are soft-launching with our friends as we develop our community playbook for the first 30 days. If this sparks your interest go here /positivesum and join us. Second, please read the manifesto and share your thoughts. cc: @eriks
Love this initiative 🤍
🤍 🤍 🤍 100 $degen
thank you Beatriz! 💜 🫂
we rise together jonathan!
yes we do!
it is the only way!
Ok, about time I read this
What were your thoughts? My first question is whether our mission is too narrow. That's one of the things that I want to discuss on the community call tomorrow.
Maybe, how do you discover new users? Or it could be an active movement towards onboarding people we know and want to bring here
Channels like /nature, referrals from /positivesum members, and we work with @aethernet to identify new users and invite them to the /positivesum community. I think onboarding people we know is the best way to get started. The first few months we are doing stuff that's not scalable until we figure out a process that works. Then we could automate it more/make it more scalable.
This sounds amazing! @eriks @jonathancolton 👏 I have many, many ideas lol, which is shocking I’m sure. I have some resources already on explaining fc to people, I’ll see if I can consolidate some
Thank you Cal! We would love to hear your ideas and appreciate any resources you can share. 💜 💜 CC: @eriks
will hopefully be able to join the next tavern! here's an article in the meantime, goes more into the philosophy of what it means that Farcaster was originally named RSS+ and distinguishing from web2 social media:
thank you my man! I'll ping when we set up our next Happy Hour.
I love it
I hope you will join us on this journey!
I will try to do my best
I want to invite newer users who I know and have met @sarasebteyni, my good friends @iraconda, @dirtnoise (who just came back) and @studi08f0rev3r all trying to navigate come here for some resources. 💜
This is awesome @jacque! Welcome to /positivesum @sarasebteyni @iraconda, @dirtnoise and @studi08f0rev3r We invite new or new-ish creatives to join /positivesum with the link. They should introduce themselves and their work to the community with an introductory cast, like this one We have a community that wants to support them with: - follows, likes, recasts, and tipping. - Introduce them to channels. - Mentor them if possible or required - provide them with resources like a 30-day success plan -Have weekly community Happy Hours We are in the testing phase and are refining this process as we go along. cc: @eriks
welcome to fc and to /positivesum! 🌱
Very cool man! going to be a fantastic channel
Awesome initiative fam! 💙🔥
thanks man! I hope you will join us.
Love this thought process and appreciate you all for the efforts! Excited to see where this takes us. 🩵
Thanks man! I hope you will join us.
Absolutely here for this! 🩵
Lovely We grow together
/positivesum 😈
Last week, I imported my substack subscribers to @paragraph, but now I'm wondering how it works to import the posts as well? @colin, you mentioned that there are some UI changes coming: 1) If I import all of my substack articles from the last 2 years, do they get slotted chronologically into my paragraph feed? 2) Will I have control over the layout in the future?
Yes to both. Let us know any feedback on migrating any posts! Also love hearing feedback on using Paragraph, so don't hesitate to reach out as you get ramped up.
awesome! thanks so much 😊 my thought is that I want to import my previous writing, but I have some more paragraph/farcaster specific articles on paragraph, so I don't want them to get lost in the 60+ other posts I bring in will give it a go and let you know! re: feedback, I've been writing on paragraph since february and really love the options for token-gating, minting, and distribution. One piece of feedback would be to provide better statistics/metrics for the articles. right now, I can only see open rate/views and monetization. On substack, I had wayyy more data on who was clicking on what, how they found the articles, where they opened them, etc.
Totally get it, we definitely want to improve analytics on Paragraph over time — appreciate the note. Keep any other feedback coming. It's hugely helpful. 🙏
no problem! another thought: better customization on the thumbnails. I was originally making gifs to add animated elements to my paragraph, but that has been removed in the forced cover image. I feel like a big part of newsletters is the unique branding, so the auto coverart is just okay imo. same with the forced 2:1 ratio, most art is generated in 16:9 if in landscape, so i'm having to crop strangely not huge issues, but ones i've been noticing consistently
thanks @erica for this question! i’ve been thinking about creating a hypersub once i get my personal training qualification… what type of things would you like to see offered? im thinking virtual training sessions airdropped workouts longer detailed videos Q and A interviews with athletes across sports (my bro is a pro soccer player he could hook me up) any other ideas?? + people who hold a specific amount of my fantoken will also be able to access this too
OMG i just realised how americanised this app has made me i just said soccer instead of football hahahah
oooo nooooo next step you'll move to the US
bloody hell
the /football channel used to be called soccer until there was a boycott / campaign to get them to change it 😅
love the farcaster history hahah and rightly so! 🤣
the month of november 2023 was quite something. still proud how our silent protests worked lol cc @chukwukaosakwe @sanchitram.eth
ha ha ha
i am currently doing a non stop walk of shame 😢
Noooo happens to the best of us
anyone who uses soccer instead of football i totally mean disrespect to them sorry 🥲
i get it, i totally understand🙏🏾
i know i’m so embarrased😭😭 i was typing too fast without thinking
I was about to point that out😂 Like what? Soccer?😂
i normally say football (soccer) but i forgot the brackets AND the most important bit football hahah i am so ashamed
I only say soccer because most people around me don’t understand when I say futbol lol
my brothers wouldn't forgive me if i called football soccer
not me thinking you were american this whole time 🧍🏾♀️
no way. tiktok and warpcast ruined how i text😂 i sometimes type american but i speak arabic, turkish and english
😂 😂 😂
i'd love to have a personalised trainings subsciption through hypersub can't wait
amazing!! yay thanks for the feedback☺️
These ideas are great! Unsolicited advice: start small & add benefits gradually. Don’t be afraid to test out a perk & swap it out for something else. I like when a hypersub creator picks benefits that they obviously enjoy delivering
thanks so much for the feedback and advice! that’s really useful ☺️
My recommendation would be a group chat. it seems silly, but people really find value in them and it's easy enough from your side to administer one. Hypersub handles all of it now.
thanks for the suggestion, people can always opt out of the gc too if that’s not their thing! how does hypersub handle it?
Yeah, exactly. Hypersub and Warpcast work together now. So you gate your group chat to people who hold an active hypersub. When their subscription runs out, they are automatically removed from chat. This way you can put up a link to your GC and only people with an active sub can join it. :)
got it! thankyou for explaining thats such a helpful feature🙏🏾
Would love the hypersub Not sure what kind of certification you’re getting but I’d love some tips on rehab and returning to sports
amazing thanks for letting me know! i’ll eventually be getting a level 4 personal training certificate which is the highest one you can get. i should deffo be able to give tips but a physical therapist would be best for a full rehab programme🙌🏾
This makes perfect sense We won’t even be needing to pay for workout instructors anymore hehe We’ll have Naomi Oh and (me with your fan tokens smiling rn😌)
thanks for the feedback! 🙌🏾 glad you like the idea, im about 25% through my gym instructor course i forgot what studying feels like as i graduated from uni 5 years ago🤣 yes!! you were early👀
Haha I feel that A friend a friend literally said the same thing earlier today 😂 Just hoe much of your time daily does it take?
I think im averaging at about 3/4 hours a day!
i'm so down for this @afrochicks would love to know the glute exercises you did to make your knee pain go away. i'm dealing with a torn meniscus at the moment i think it would be cool to get targeted exercise routines/packs for some of the most common injuries like that and others like lower back pain and common aging related injuries
I’ll make a video with the glute exercises on here, most likely on saturday as that’s when i share activation workouts! sounds like a good idea for the hypersub! thanks for the feedback ☺️
awesome. thanks naomi 💪
you could also offer an input section (a suggestion box style) where people ask for particular workouts that might help their individual issues (back pain, knee pain, etc) brings in an element of community involvement :) lmk if you have questions about how to mint/airdrop the videos, I make tutorial videos helping creators with smart contracts 😊
really great idea thankyou! do you know a good way to create an input box, i think ponder has that feature but not sure if there are any others within a frame yes i will probs need some assistance with that, i will deffo reach out at some point, thankyou Callum! ☺️
no problem! 😊 appreciate what you're doing to boost health and creator content on here! yes! ponder should be able to do that, i think moxie has something called "hidecast" as an action as well, where you can limit the frame input to fan token holders (effectively token-gating the frame) do you have your own website? Could also fairly easily get a developer to build a dedicated frame for your site specifically that you could token-gate with your hypersub or fan tokens.
thankyou so much! and yeaa im deffo gonna have to speak to you more, you give great advice! these are all things i will think about and work on now that filming wont be taking up so much of my time!
Yeah I think thats a great idea, pick a time that suits brits and americans and do a follow along class for us. Also, your bro, who's he play for? Family of atheletes huh?
thanks for the feedback!! yeah great shout about the time zones👏🏾 he’s currently at plymouth with rooney as the new head coach ahha! he has the best stories about him
Ahh cool I have just found him on my app, midfield baller! Bet you don't see him much then if you still live up north.
no its a real trek, he came down for a bit last week which was nice and that is why the net is always there cos he never stops training he makes me look bad 🤣
A fan token raffle daily to 1 of your hypersub members 👀
Biggest thing I feel like I need in my at-home setup is form checks. Hard to know if you’re lifting correctly when you’re alone
good point! would you prefer that service as a 1-1 video call or to send a video through and then getting feedback?
Could see utility in either. Like a live form check session or a drop your recap here weekly kind of thing 🤷♂️
i feel this is a great idea, would def sub.
yay! thanks for the feedback ☺️
In this article, I describe the value of Farcaster as it relates to traditional social media. I touch on decentralization, channels, distribution methods, and network effects, along with the power of frames ✨ I hope it helps anyone looking to learn more about the technical benefits of building in DeSo 🫡
A warm welcome to the Brazilian artists that just joined Warpcast✨ Please support them following and engaging with their content: @rosamorena @paulissonmiura @budastudio @fitipe @photoevaporation @raffagomes @alexandre-rangel @lunatico If you know of other artists from Brazil who have joined us recently, please tag them in the replies.
In this thread you can find other Brazilian artists to support:
cc: @polymutex.eth @downshift.eth @maretus @samuellhuber.eth @priyanka @fercaggiano @angelikakollin
absolute class. ty 🫡
Marcelo always shows up for art & artists.
How to best help here? What do you as artists love the most? In terms of follows and conversations I’d suggest dming @wanderloots.eth @priyanka @pichi as they‘ll be able to guide 1:1 from an Artist Point of view
Gm Samuel, we are working on different fronts: mapping Brazilian artists who want to join Warpcast, generating gift invitations, onboarding, producing material in Portuguese about the Warpcast etc. But the biggest challenge is: many people from different places (artists, collectors, curators, galleries and platforms) have stopped using Warpcast in recent months. It's really important that they come back. In this way, we'll have access to their content and we'll be able to keep in touch with them. If they only use Twitter, we from Brazil will lose the contact with them and their content.
Absolutely! Happy to help answer any questions 😊 I also have intro guides on my Paragraph (linked in /cal) that helps explain the whole ecosystem. From a channel perspective: /itookaphoto /cryptoart /superrare /photographers /photography /lightchasers /art Are all great places to vibe with other artists. I recommend engaging with replies at least as often as you cast yourself, as that’s the best way to find a community you resonate with ✨
Hey Callum, thank you for your reply. The tips you've written are very much in line with what we've been telling the people who are arriving. I couldn't find the link to your Paragraph, could you please share it?
Seguindo a galera aqui tb.
Thank you to everyone who helped to spread this cast! Maybe you will like the thread:
also @leylabuk please :)
and @artcarolinabf ➕
Ótima lista Marcelo! Vou seguir geral
Maravilha Gill!
Instant follow ✨
We support dear artists dear Marcelo 😊💜
Bem vindos ✨✨✨
Bem vindos! Segui geral, espero que curtam o role ✨✨
Tô seguindo todo mundo. Bem vindos, pessoal!
Seguindo geral!
Followed 👍 Welcome all!
thanks for sharing Marcelo! Followed all!
Tysm ✨
Bem vindos camaradas !
Let's go! 🔥 😍 ❤️
me following everyone 😁
Thank you very much for your support Marcelo!! 🙏🙏🙏
Welcome Rosa!
obrigado! 🤩
Bem vindos✨🍀 quanta gente fera 👾 segui todo mundo 💫 massa demais que divulgou os perfis, Marcelo! 56 $degen
Arrasou, obrigada!
Welcome ! 20 $RARE
Cheguei por aqui tbm 🫶🏼
Bem-vinda Jess! No próximo cast que eu for fazer, vou te colocar em destaque :-)
🙏 🧡
Thanks Marcelo🙏🇧🇷
Valeu demais, querido! <3
Unsolicited Farcaster improvement suggestion: When you go to open an account and before you pay your $5 there should be a welcome screen explaining to you the benefits of having a Warpcast account. In particular it should mention the immutability and genuine ownership aspects of having an account on a decentralized platform. It should also explain that it’s an open platform that people can code different features onto so you should expect that. It will reduce the learning curve for new users and also spread the word about the positives of having an account here rather than elsewhere. I’d also like to know these things as well but I just figured them out on my own and with the help of people on the platform generously giving their time. A one page intro to Farcaster breakdown for newbies would be great I suspect.
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 112 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 111 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 110 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 108 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 122 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 120 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
Yeah that’s a good call, though I think most of the words would go over people’s heads. Usually takes me much more than a page’s worth of words to help people get it haha Could frame it as RSS+ as that was the initial idea, but again, most people don’t understand rss 🤷♂️ You might also find this interesting:
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 73 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 73 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 73 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 73 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 76 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 77 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
A one page intro to Farcaster is not enough I guess Murtaza. There is so many things to learn
Just a few high level points to get acclimated
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 148 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 147 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 147 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 146 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 153 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 154 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 211 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
when you are paying $5 to sign up, they should show a cast from a user that got paid $5 for being a top caster then you know exactly what you're paying for
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 210 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 210 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 209 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 209 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 616 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 615 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 613 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 612 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 640 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 641 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 1225 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 1223 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 1220 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 1218 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 1273 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
I'm supporting you through /microsub! 1273 $DEGEN (Please mute the keyword "ms!t" if you prefer not to see these casts.)
Is there a way to return to the gif cover art for @paragraph? Would love to be able to remove the lower portion of the cover art and just use the art I designed originally:
@colin just wondering if you have any thoughts?
There's no easy way, we migrated to the new "social sharing" banner that you see and it's not clear how we can support animated gifs in that
hmm okay, thanks for letting me know tbh, I significantly prefer the previous banner. This one looks a bit tacky and removes the design component of marketing articles (something I know lots of people put a lot of effort into)
Noted, we're always looking to improve the banner. It's challenging to get something that everyone likes
Will be building off of the concepts from this article during tomorrow's @farhouse space 🎙️ imo, micro-network effects are boosted in web3 due to the direct creator-fan relationship 3 pm EST tomorrow ✨ invite code 👇
Hi all, I wrote a post a few weeks ago on the philosophy of farcaster and why it is an important improvement over web2 social media, got a lot of positive feedback from new people here 😊 More resources in /cal ✨ Hope it helps!
I will share 25,000 $DEGEN (about $500) of my daily tipping allowance among people who tag good crypto writers in the comments. Guidelines: - They need to write about crypto tech, products & culture (no trading), - Their stuff needs to be high quality.
If they're not already there @joeljohn
Thanks, 2000 $DEGEN
if i want to blowjob for money, i'll say Mac. otherwise @gokhan.eth make it good and this Anon is good too both are on kiwi tho 🥝
Thanks anyway, 2000 $DEGEN
thank you
Some recent reads: @yb @li @rileybeans @wanderloots.eth
Thanks, 2000 $DEGEN
ty ty! each of these writers with such bright minds
Hey thanks Steen 😊 Appreciate it! I'm actually working on my next piece right now so this is really inspiring to hear ✨ Here's my latest, hoping to publish the next tomorrow Also highly recommend @li and @yb, will check out Riley
Great piece Callum!
Thank you! I had so much fun writing on paragraph and making the animation and the AI art for it, really felt like a nice hybrid of all of my interests (minus photography) appreciate you taking the time to read :) 200 $degen
That's a one I didn't know, 2000 $DEGEN
The DeFiSaint is absolutely amazing at explaining L2 tech in a vulgarized way. I'm following him on Twitter and subscribed to his newsletter. Very high quality content. Here is an example:
Thanks, 2000 $DEGEN!
Ooh woaw! My biggest tip thus far! Thanks a lot, really appreciate!! 🙏🙏
You're welcome 🎩
@trustlessstate and @rsa.eth
Thanks, 2000 $DEGEN :)
oh wow thank you @yekim.eth blog's at here: 500 $DEGEN
You can contact @Crypto_KalEl on twitter or @ZacharyColbert good luck Mac!
Could you tag them on the linked Twitter thread? 🙏
Yes of course, will do that now. Also i don't know them personally but did see that they write good some threads about crypto.
Just had my second ever piece of writing collected by @bfg ✨ Thank you so much for believing in me and supporting my writing 😊 The token for the @paragraph post is the spinning world shown above the book 🌍
I'm working on my writing to help people understand the farcaster ecosystem better and have been getting really excellent feedback 🫡 I'm hoping to help more people understand why Farcaster may be the last social network they ever need to build What are you confused about? I'll make another resource soon✨
Can someone please explain farcaster to me in NYC? I don't understand having to pay for warps to do some things like make a channel when you are in fact the product. What tf is degen and doginme vs warps. Talk to me like I'm old cause I am older than most of you 😂.
Yes! Would be happy to 😊 Put together a resource here in the meantime
Everyone gets a daily $DEGEN tipping allowance. All you need to do to tip is reply to someone with the amount e.g 400 $DEGEN. Degen is a community token and can be traded etc. Warps I think is Warpcast native and designed to be used in app. I’m also fairly new so this is probably a terrible summary.
456 $DEGEN
Introducing: Read Write Earn (Own): my first contest to inspire feedback on my writing ✨ READ my post WRITE a comment👇 (quote/feedback/thoughts) EARN $degen (I'll tip my top 10, 500) OWN by minting (optional, bonus tips while I can✨)
Great read, loved the framing. Really well structured and also absolutely loved your graphics and their consistent aesthetics. Nice work!
Thanks William! 😊 I put more work into this art than any writing art I've done before, so that means a lot that you enjoyed the graphics/aesthetic ✨ Thanks for reading/writing 🌎 500 $degen also, saw you're the NFT lead at banklesshq, what does that mean?? Sounds like a fascinating position
I like how you've framed this new chapter in your journey-caught my attention. Couple friendly suggestions (I assume you want real input 😀) Would love a tl;dr at the beginning with some clarity & punch that made me want to read more. Would help reading if you connected the thread of thinking as we go. Not criticism.
Amazing! Appreciate you letting me know the attention-grab, that's the biggest difficulty with writing 😊 Yes! Always looking for real input, that's how I recalibrate 🧭 didn't take it as criticism at all Good to know, I'll work on clearer tl;drs next time. Can you elaborate on the thread of thinking? 500 $degen
You have lived w/ the topic, ideas, & connections. We are coming in cold. So, you will tend to leave out a lot that connects the flow of the "argument" and transitioning. Get into our thinking & be a tour guide for us. Tour guides say things that are obvious to them but make the exp. for the guest more enjoyable. Help?
Very helpful! thanks for rephrasing 😊 It's a great reminder to put myself into the audience more when editing my own work
FYI, The attention catching was R, W, E, O and the connection to steps in your writing. That made me read it.
Ah good to know! I initially thought you meant in the paragraph post itself, that's helpful. I felt really good about it as an overall experience! Got lots of valuable feedback and feel like I connected with cool people over shared interest. I'll do this again for future posts, appreciate all of your insight ✨
Interesting timing, as I just subscribed to your Paragraph newsletter yesterday because I read this post and made a note to myself to comment on it soon. Won't be able to respond in time for a contest, but I'll respond eventually. :)
oh no rush in the slightest! Saw that you subscribed, it means a lot 😊 have greatly appreciated your insights on writing and the space more generally ✨
This was a wonderful article! I would refer people to your article to fully understand what farcaster is and why it's better. I've tried explaining it to a few people and I think I missed out on some important points I learned from your article. 105 $DEGEN - that's what's left today.
Amazing! Thanks so much Kristin 😊 really glad you found it helpful, and yes please feel free to share with anyone! It’s a newsletter too, so people can subscribe to stay up to date with more ✨ Can you let me know which topics you found most important?? I can emphasize them more in my writing ✍️
I'll tip you more tomorrow as this deserves more!
Ok, so that bot says I have more, but the frames and say I have zero left and Dune says I have an allowance of 8K and the others say 5K. So I'm confused, but I'll trust the bot and tip you another 400 $DEGEN
Ahh yes, the frames are almost always correct if they say 0 😊 I believe dune is always correct for total allowance, but out of date for how much has been given in a day Appreciate the thought though ✨
But the frame and had the wrong allowance for the day also compared to Dune. It was off by almost 4K.
yeah there's often a lag i find! I typically go to Dune, i think it should be most up to date
The frame I use is updated with the new allowance today, so it was one day off from Dune.
Bookmarked for later. Have a great day.
hey thanks friend :) sounds good! looking forward to hearing your thoughts ✨
Well written and thorough articulation of how farcaster (RSS+) unlocks value for creators and the communities they build. Concrete examples of how this will work in practice illustrate that the benefits are not just theoretical.
Absolutely! This is the key of developing a truly sustainable creation system that each of us can build into a proper online, onchain economy, together ✨ Thanks for sharing, I'm really glad you had this take away and appreciate you reading and writing 500 $degen
Embracing the future of social media through genuine engagement and community-building, free from the constraints of traditional platforms.
yes 💯 this is the way ✨ That's an excellent summary Appreciate you taking the time to read and write 🌎 500 $degen
Fantastic idea! Having a busy day so I will read later today. I’ll come ready with feedback 💫
Thanks Luca! No rush at all 😊 will give out the tips at the end of the day (probably around 5 pm est) Enjoy your day ✨
I wish this popped up as essential reading for any user joining Farcaster apps. The way you lay everything down makes it accessible but full of knowledge. The thing that sticks with me the most is that this might be the last time we truly build from scratch. It’s a huge mental switch, allowing us to recalibrate
Wow! That's high praise, thanks so much Luca 😊 Accessibly full of knowledge is what I strive for, I'm glad it comes across that way ✨ A massive recalibration. I'm still wrapping my head around it. I'm glad that was your takeaway, it seems to resonate a lot with people 🌎 Thanks for reading/writing 500 $degen
Cross pollination fatigue is so real 😅
Absolutely! Interesting you frame it that way, In nature, cross-pollination is meant to be something natural, the pollen is picked up by animals or blown in the wind In web2, it feels like we're the animals running around between plants. I'd rather let the wind do its work 😌 Thanks for reading/writing 500 $degen
Probably have to read it again to understand it completely, but that is because of my head and the difficult words in English and beeing Dutch. I like the idea of building and not have to go from 1 to another social platform. Thanks!
Really appreciate you reading it! Please let me know which parts are confusing, I'm happy to elaborate. If you have difficulties I'm sure many others do as well 😊 Thanks so much for reading and writing, I also love not having to go from 0-1 again, that's a great way to put it ✨ 500 $degen
I will be back later today in dm if you are okay with that?!
Yes of course! Please feel free 😊 Though I do always encourage people to ask questions in public when possible, as it ends up providing a public resource to help others with the same questions 😌 But I get the desire to chat in private as well, so however you are comfortable ✨
Ok calling for some research help! I'm looking for everything good that's been written about @farcaster Please share any essays, blog posts & threads below (podcasts are cool too) Could be about how Farcaster works, why it matters, related projects/businesses, personal anecdote, all of it Compiling something 😈 from me this week
Thank you Riley!
This is fire
🫡 💖 tyty!!
Got this 101 on Farcaster Frames 🤓
Dopeee, ty sir
Actually just pub'd this one a few minutes ago too, talks about how to drop a free NFT mint frame via Zora + Warpcast
Clutch, ty for sharing each of these!
I mean all of @yb content about farcaster is top tier, here's a fun one on channels I particularly enjoyed reading
Appreciate the shoutout Ben! @benroy also wrote this piece from 2 months ago:
Amazing, thank you for sharing this!
"Lessons Learned" on $ticker and a Farcaster experiment born from the fiasco: "Over Engineered Networks, Toxic Communities" on the OG vs. New User culture clash
Thank you for these! @six's "A letter to Emerging Microeconomies" on /onchainletters by @yb
@leo5 essay "hyperstitions" not directly on Farcaster but certainly related
@markfishman "concept testing: concept #0, the meta-concept" introducing a sufficiently decentralized incubator /concept-testing
@esdotge.eth has a pretty rad, ecosystem infographic NFT and /fartone collection - @mcbain would also be all over this
I have written so many casts but not enough long form
Thanks!!! 3333 $DEGEN
Toto Tranquilo hermano queso
Let me help on this one
Farcaster Landscape —
Birth of Degen —
odegeneration —
I put together a few blog posts to help people understand the bigger picture here 😊 And the longer form version here:
What about stuff like this?
episode 16
@nawashi.eth he has something to say for sure
hey mfers, what's that @base project that's got ur pulse racing? 🚀 drop a tag or a link, and if u got it, flaunt that art! 🎨🔗 let's share the dope drops and sick flips that keep our wallets thick. 💸👾 spill the alpha below, mfers, and let's hype up the hits! 🎩✨
hype hype hype is what i like 😀 😀 😀 1501 $degen
Awesome! Thanks for taking a look ✨ My base project ta the moment is on @paragraph I've extended my newsletter to hopefully help others understand the power of fc and DeSo 🫡
Thank you for sharing Cal I hope others can gain as much insight as I have from reading
really appreciate you saying that! It's been a struggle to find a balance between visual art and writing, but it feels more and more i'm finding my groove currently focusing more on the capturing phase while on vacation but i'm looking forward to tying it all together more soon ✨ thanks for all your support :)
Always a pleasure. You are doing great and we appreciate all you do for the space!
Relying on you for the alpha my man 1000 $DEGEN
Will do my best to gather the knowledge and spread it! Thank you for your generosity bro
My latest tokenized writing on @paragraph: Worldbuilding 🌍✨ Cover art available as a free mint on /zora
as a fun fact: the rotation of the token is timed to be a breathing guide for reducing anxiety and increasing /mindfulness 😌 1 spin = 6s = inhale or exhale 2 spins = 12s = 1 full breath in and out 1 minute = 5 spins = 5 breaths per minute
I love how building a social graph on payment rails enables a recalibration of the creator economy. We can normalize 2-way value transfer between creators and consumers, with no added friction. In web2, you are the product, a zero-sum system. In web3, we share the products, building a positive-sum system ✨
Artwork from my latest @paragraph entry:
A must read for anyone in web3 today
Thanks for sharing @nomadicframe! appreciate it 😊 I hope that this entry helps people grasp the deeper issue of what I've been talking about all year & thinking about for the last 7+ years Complements this week's @paragraph nicely ✨
Released my latest newsletter on @paragraph ✨ This one touches on the practical counterpart of my Recalibrating newsletter: Worldbuilding 🌍
I see a kind of web3-powered kickstarter scenario emerging for writers, but will it scale sufficiently for a mass audience to adopt?
as XR develops, I think we'll begin to see the masses care more about authenticated identities in light of AI deepfakes/manipulation (~3-6 years) for writers, i don't think we need to see "mass adoption", we just need to develop 1000 micro-true fans per writer to make writing sustainable. 1000 x $5/month =$60,000/year
I agree. I think discovery's the issue for (fiction) writers without a "platform" in the web2 space. Here? I'm not sure what form storytelling will take but perhaps it's the next "new wave" for sci-fi writers ;-)
Appreciate the depth of response on my last post in /ai-art so I thought I'd share another image from my latest writing/AI image hybrid on @paragraph Feel free to click through in-line to check out the rest of the images 🌍 ✨
Made this cast earlier today ✨ Seems relevant 😌
I was not following /web2web3 and /words but I am now! I took a good look at /six the other day when I was curating for /outcasters and I was super impressed. Love all the raw thoughts that are being shared in there. s/o to @six for doing a great job with the channel so far!
Nice! Glad I could introduce you ✨ /six feels like a safe place for free thought and discussion. It’s a really cool vibe /words I love as a fundamental building block of creation. It’s a cool way to foster a community of readers and writers with the shared unit of expression
Was just looking at who the hosts are for /words and made me think about how it's gona be interesting to chat with sometimes 6-10 ppl for each channel when we start doing do these /channeling interviews.
Absolutely 💯 What are you thinking for a format?
🫡 glad it’s resonating!!
Great post by @wanderloots.eth
Made the token with ai, along with all of the images inside the @paragraph post ✨ Been playing around more with themes lately, what do you think?
Awesome dive. Enjoyed this part: “The addition of blockchain to Farcaster enables payment rails built into the social graph from the ground up. Verified identity and crypto rails enable instantaneous creator payout and revenue share with fans who promote their creations”.
Thanks Ben! Really appreciate you reading it 😊 Also, sharing quotes is super helpful to me for knowing which parts resonate with people ✨ It's one of my favourite parts of @farcaster, that we don't have to think about the blockchain and authentication element. It's going to open the gates of the creator economy
Wrote an entry on the future of the creator economy, including the current failures of web2 and how web3 protocols are changing things via fc and blockchain Would love to hear your thoughts ✨
Awesome read. Also really vibe with this: "It’s incredibly satisfying to feel that what I am building here on @farcaster is perhaps the last time I will ever need to build on a social network" qq though - any reason you chose to publish on paragraph instead of mirror? (been trying to figure out their differences)
Really appreciate you taking the time to read it! I’m so glad you resonated with that quote. It’s hard to put into words how valuable this all feels ✨ I chose paragraph because of how responsive @colin has been and how rapidly they’re shipping features to keep up with /frames + pulling in fc comments 🤯
Do you have any thoughts how Farcaster could make the creator economy more multi-player? Like, how could creator-collectives utilize Farcaster in a different way than the single-player mode we are used to in social platforms? More than simply “channel with a wallet”
I think fc is inherently is making it more multi-player with the addition of a social graph protocol decoupled from client applications. As new/existing communities form and develop they can "plug in" to the fc social graph and pull the multi-player data e.g., replying to paragraph frames = adding comments to post
In this week's entry, I tied together various topics I've been researching over the last 8 months and how @farcaster helps enable a levelled-up creator economy. I also include predictions on where I see this all going ✨ Hope it helps!
My second entry on @paragraph✨ Worldbuilding is the practical counterpart of Recalibrating This entry is on the future of the creator economy and how blockchain, RSS, & @farcaster open up its potential Would love to hear what you think!
If you want to support my work but don't way to pay to collect a paragraph post, I have a free mint of the cover art available here: Consider collecting the paid post if you want writing in the description or the words resonated, and free mint to support my overall journey 🧭🌎✨
My second entry on @paragraph✨ Worldbuilding is the practical counterpart of Recalibrating This entry is on the future of the creator economy and how blockchain, RSS, & @farcaster open up its potential Would love to hear what you think!
If you want to support my work but don't way to pay to collect a paragraph post, I have a free mint of the cover art available here: Consider collecting the paid post if you want writing in the description or the words resonated, and free mint to support my overall journey 🧭🌎✨
Insightful! Exciting to think how much we are changing the system. It's like exiting the Matrix 😅. I think it would be helpful to add a visual (maybe in the Recap section) as a quick takeaway of the different eras of the Internet that you highlight (original RSS model, Web2 locked model, and web3 open model).
Thank you! Really appreciate you taking the time to give feedback 😊 What do you mean by exiting the matrix? like when Neo wakes up? Good call re: the graphic! I'll think about how to add that in for future entries and maybe add it to this one ✨ thanks!
Yes sorry just a metaphor, we have been living in this current state of things where companies own data and take all revenue and assume it's the only reality and how things must be, but in fact we woke up and realized things can be different.
Welcome to Worldbuilding 🌍✨ Worldbuilding is the practical counterpart of Recalibrating 🧭 Recalibrating helps us find the way, Worldbuilding is taking the actual steps along the path. Here's my take on the future of creation ✨
If you want to support my work but don't way to pay to collect a paragraph post, I have a free mint of the cover art available here: Consider collecting the paid post if you want writing in the description or the words resonated, and free mint to support my overall journey 🧭🌎✨
super cool to see what you are writing about, I appreciate your very analytical and future thinking mind! 20 $degen
This was a fantastic read. Your insights are always well explained, and I think you’re setting your Paragraph up in the best way you could for everyone to understand what you are about. I for one count myself as those that have been inspired by you to join this ecosystem and build
Thanks Luca! That means a lot 😊 I've always appreciated your insights & support! Appreciate the feedback, I'm glad the style/message is coming through via @paragraph 🫡 So happy I could be an inspo! I'm looking forward to seeing what you build, especially your photography /story on the road less travelled 🌍
@wanderloots.eth shares their excitement about building a world on social media without constraints. Talks about the frustrations of traditional platforms and introduces Farcaster as a solution, which uses RSS feeds and blockchain technology for improved reach, engagement, and monetization with fans.