Welcome to Vrbish #001. I suppose an introduction is in order, this is the first edition after all…
Vrbish distills news, updates, and stories from Vrbs DAO into an interesting and informative article delivered straight to your inbox every single week.
Here's the format you can expect:
This Week in Vrbs (all the news and updates you missed this week)
Builder Spotlight (interview segment with a Vrbs Builder!)
My hands hurt. Do you remember that aching-pain after pulling an all-nighter in college, putting the final touches on that Theater Appreciation 101 essay worth 33% of your final grade?
Okay, maybe that was just me…but have some imagination, will you?
My hands hurt now thanks to the Vrbs Protocol Team. They really cooked this week, shipping update after update. Good for Vrbs, bad for my writing progress!
Here's what's new in Vrbs this week...
At the time of this writing (June 14th, 2024), Vrb 100 is up for auction. This momentous occasion is great cause for celebration!
That's 100 Vrbs Auctions earning artists 4.624 ETH and 36.7k votes, and counting!
(and before you say something, yes, I know, technically Vrb 100 would be the 101st auction. Shut up nerd, 100 sounds better)
The Grants Program has launched, paying builders every second to bring ideas to life and make a positive impact on the world.
In fact, this newsletter is a product of the Communications Grant. Personally I see it as a great alignment of incentives; getting paid to create something that grows the network. The flywheel potential is real. As my output quality improves, distribution improves, resulting in more inflows to the DAO, and a higher salary to continue improving my output.
Here's a list of all the current initiatives where you could get paid:
Vrbs Protocol Team - building the protocol that powers Vrbs
Artists Residency - more on this in the next section...
Vrbs Architects - the founding team behind Vrbs DAO
Communications - grow the Vrb network and meme distribution
Local Impact - make positive impact in your local community
cupofvrb.com - Vrbs coffee cups that earn artists votes
Don't see something particularly suited to your skills or goals? Propose a new initiative!
This week through the Artists Residency Grant, three Illustrators, four Animators, and eight Pixel Artists have been accepted and will earn a monthly salary, with payment updated every second.
Check out the links below for each residency program, and some open opportunities!
Street Artists - 2/2 openings available
[Curtis] What is your role in Vrbs and what are your personal goals for the DAO?
[Rocketman] My role in Vrbs is a member of the protocol team, so I work on the web platform that is vrbs.build, and I also focus a lot on the smart contracts behind the DAO, the auction, the tokens, and the grants program. In terms of some of my personal goals for the DAO, I think the contracts and systems we've set up, and especially those around helping everybody earn a vote over this movement that we're building, I think are super powerful. And so I think we have a real shot here at building a DAO that attracts millions of people and does a ton of good in the world that normally wouldn't be incentivized in this kind of corporate system we're stuck in.
[Curtis] In one sentence, what do you want Vrbs to be known for?
[Rocketman] I want Vrbs to be known as the catalyst that brings people together to uplift their local communities, so that anyone is empowered to make positive impact for people, public spaces, and the greater public good.
[Curtis] What are the best ways to get involved with Vrbs?
[Rocketman] The best way to get involved with Vrbs is to visit the opportunities page to see how you can get funded to build this movement with us. https://vrbs.build/vrbs/opportunities
[Curtis] What is Vrbs doing differently that other DAOs have failed to accomplish?
[Rocketman] Grass roots movements should be owned by the people building them. The main thing Vrbs is doing differently from other DAOs is issuing votes to the creators, builders, entrepreneurs and others that are building this movement.
[Curtis] What is your favorite Vrb that has been auctioned to date and why?
[Rocketman] My favorite Vrb that has been auctioned to date is the alien Vrb from Zam. It was the
first Vrb right after we launched that caught my attention, and the poem that came with it was great. Let light exist. And light did then exist. And light was good. And light was divided from darkness.
[Curtis] Talk to me about the Grants Program. Why was it so important to have both grants and proposals? What do you want to see more of from the Grants program?
[Rocketman] The goal of the grants program is to lower the effort required for voters and builders, while still effectively funding the highest impact projects that will grow the DAO. We're already paying 20+ people a salary every month as part of the grants program to help build and grow Vrbs. Proposals are great for larger funding requests, but there are plenty of people that want to help out but don't have a huge idea to get funded yet. Grants makes it easier to get funded for helping grow Vrbs, and gives people clear avenues they can contribute to the DAO.
Thank you for reading!
Vrbish operates under the Kaizen philosophy. We are always seeking avenues to improve the quality of our newsletter.
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