Your stairway
We're finding our own path in this issue #235 of your weekly poetry shot
Your onchain poetry magazine
A fresh start with fresh onchain poetry in 2025
Freshly minted verses: your guide to the world of onchain poetry
Crafting Bonds: The Harmony of Digital Interconnections in Onchain Poetry
A translaten, the BF series of OddWritings, a new L2 blockchain. That and much much more in this issue of the Onchain Poetry Digest. Enjoy.
More poetry, more chains, welcome the a new list of freshly minted onchain poetry
The summer is coming to an end, but clearly the flow of onchain poetry hasn't stopped. Find fresh onchain poetry in this list.
Another Onchain Poetry digest is before you, and the Onchain Summer is noticeable in the wordy world as well.
Politics, the Olympics, market crashes and everything else in life. The freshly minted poems in the last few weeks are another wonderful reflection of how poets make sense of the world.
In the past two weeks, a couple of poets released new poems in collections. Great to see poets being that active. Enjoy and collect from the list.
What do you do on onchain summer nights? Why not enjoy and collect some poetry?
A new blockhain with poetry on it and 1000 subscribers. And of course lots of freshly minted onchain poetry
A new list of freshly minted onchain poetry is here. And again, it's filled with a wide selection of poetry minted onchain in the past 2 weeks.