Your stairway
We're finding our own path in this issue #235 of your weekly poetry shot
Your onchain poetry magazine
What do you do on onchain summer nights? Why not enjoy and collect some poetry?
A new list of freshly minted onchain poetry is here. And again, it's filled with a wide selection of poetry minted onchain in the past 2 weeks.
Another explosion of fresh onchain poetry in this issue of the Onchain Poetry Digest. It looks like, as they say in Web3, we're so back.
Here it is, a fresh new list of onchain poetry, filled with familiar and fresh faces. And an emerging community.
The poetry keeps flowing onchain. In the past two weeks, Tezos has been the dominant chain for fresh poems. Collect what you can share what you love.
Fresh poetry on more chains than ever before. Like what you love and collect what you can.
The first month of 2024 is done, and we are still creating poetry onchain. Are we ready for crypto spring?
Art for all collections: latte-priced or fine-art-auction-priced. Find it in the list and collect what you can.
A bright start of 2024 with fresh poems, fresh poets and maybe more chains than ever before. Find the freshest onchain poetry here.