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We're back with our 5th installment of our weekly digest, highlighting a few hand-selected great pieces of writing over the past month or so.
Check them out below & let us know which was your favorite!
A must-read from @jaredhecht.eth:
AI-powered content creation tools are expanding the canvas of possibility and enabling new media formats to emerge. New networks will form around them, and when coupled with onchain compensation mechanisms/incentives, you have a recipe for the future of entertainment.
Check out Jared's newsletter Ride It To The Sky for more of his ideas and stories.
@aaronv.eth explores the intersection of technology and spirituality, highlighting how technological advancements can enhance our spiritual journeys and collective consciousness.
Throughout history, from ancient rituals to scientific breakthroughs, humanity has sought to transcend its limitations. Today's tech revolution offers unprecedented ways to expand our collective "consciousness."
But as we build bridges to the digital, are we preserving the essence of our humanity?
A beautiful poem from @naomiii inspired by a recent visit to see Alfonso Peduto play the piano.
@limes.eth argues that humans continually expand their desires to match technological advances, ensuring there's always more work to be done.
... to the drowning man, getting on land is the dream; to the man on land, getting to space is the dream.
@cstreet reflects on the importance of making meaningful, in-person connections at events like ETHCC and advocates for more hyperlocal, purpose-driven gatherings that foster genuine community and collaboration.
@fabiyamada's latest post explores the evolution of a neighborhood corner by a crazy weird artist, told through the lens of images from Google Maps.
That's all we have this week — what did you think of these recommendations? What great writing did we miss?
Let us know what you think!
See you next week,
Paragraph team
Wow, some great content in the weekly listing by @paragraph: https://paragraph.xyz/@paragraph-picks/weekly-digest-vol-5