NFT Matrix #51
Hi, and welcome to the newest issue of NFT Matrix, where I present NFT Artists’ work. There is no presumption or judgement here, only exposure. The a...
NFT Matrix
Presentations of NFT Artists
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NFT Matrix #48
NFT Matrix #50
NFT Matrix #49
NFT Matrix #42
Hi, and welcome to the newest edition of NFT Matrix, where I present NFT Artists’ / Regular Artist’s work. The artist I am presenting is mashine. Piece: “31.10.2024, 15:00” LinkArtist: “” NFTMatrix: A live airbrush video. Not a medium I see too often. Pretty cool to see the artist working with the medium. Piece: “Who is She?” LinkArtist: “" NFTMatrix: Feels like a good parody of social media posts. Piece: “Joe” Link Artist: “Joe Exotic , 2024 airbrush on canvas , framed 60 x 70 cm Every token...
Hi, and welcome to the newest edition of NFT Matrix, where I present NFT Artists’ / Regular Artist’s work. The artist I am presenting is Yorgis Cordonis. Piece: “The Degen” LinkArtist: “” NFTMatrix: Creepy. But we all have our creepy moments, even if they are waking up bleary eyed from a strange nightmare. Piece: “WOLF” LinkArtist: “" NFTMatrix: Me when there is no coffee. But another creepy piece. Piece: “Forbidden Piece #1” LinkArtist: “The creative process of my artwork led me to NFTs! Now...
Hi, and welcome to the newest edition of NFT Matrix, where I present NFT Artists’ / Artist’s work. The artist I am presenting is Gregorio Zenardi. Piece: “The suburban man” LinkArtist: “The suburban man goes about his routine not knowing that his life will end. The person is ambiguous, the soul is precise. If you don't want to see the light, there is no need to enter the storm. But you will lose your evolution, you will lose the purpose for which you are here. The soul is precise, don't be fo...
Hi, and welcome to the newest edition of NFT Matrix, where I present NFT Artists’ / Artist’s work. The artist I am presenting is Cath Simard. Piece: “LE DÉPART” Link Artist: “The first in-person, hosted, collaborative & immersive NFT travel experience combined with the most viral image in Cath Simard’s portfolio. // First collector receives a personalized 5-day trip for one person to the Canadian Rockies, hosted by the artist, including a 2-day canoe trip to Spirit Island (all ground expenses...
Hi, and welcome to the newest edition of NFT Matrix, where I present NFT Artists’ work. The artist I am presenting is Ezgi. Piece: “Camera Dei Giganti” Link Artist: “Humans Become Monsters I draw Renaissance arts. I draw by reinterpreting the artwork. I draw with the freehand drawing technique. Inspred by Camera Dei Giganti Giuli Romano, Palazzo Del Te, Mantua Camera Dei Giganti Sold to OlcayCinar for 0.4 Eth Apr 3, 2022 at 1:47am PS: My crypto wallet seed phrases were under the rubble becaus...
Hi, and welcome to the newest edition of NFT Matrix, where I present NFT Artists’ / Artist’s work. The artist I am presenting is cypheristikal. Piece: “planes of existence” LinkArtist: “1/1 JPEG 18.8 MB 7424 x 9856” NFTMatrix: Like a city reduced to a computer chip. Piece: “Conversations” Link Artist: “" NFTMatrix: An animated piece with lots of energy. Feels like a crazy cool opening scene for a movie. Piece: “La Nuit de L'étoile” LinkArtist: “Zora genesis” NFT Matrix: Cool futuristic sci-fi...
Hi, and welcome to the newest edition of NFT Matrix, where I present NFT Artists’ work. The artist I am presenting is tugbdemirbass. This one is a bit different as the artist doesn’t have any NFTs, but the art is cool. Piece: “hysteria in cyanooOootype” Link Artist: “” NFTMatrix: Piece: “Afiyet olsun🐒 “Dramalı pasta”” LinkArtist: “Afiyet olsun🐒 “Dramalı pasta” 75x115 kağıt üzerine kuru boya SATILDI" NFTMatrix: Reminds me of Dante’s inferno in cake form. Piece: “God, why did you leave me alo...
Hi, and welcome to the newest edition of NFT Matrix, where I present NFT Artists’ work. The artist I am presenting is superno. Piece: “Purpose” Link Artist: “ • Digital hand drawn • Size : 3206 X 4007px PNG, 300 DPI.” NFTMatrix: Beautiful abstract work - I like the thick strokes and the color palette. Piece: “Triumphant Resilience” Link Artist: “A resounding failure does not determine a path of defeat. It merely reveals your courage, your determination. You rise after every fall, facing the u...
Hi, and welcome to the newest edition of NFT Matrix, where I present NFT Artists’ work. The artist I am presenting is Elfilter.Piece: “lost papy...
Hi, and welcome to the newest edition of NFT Matrix, where I present NFT Artists’ work. The artist I am presenting is chewystoll.Piece: “The Nig...