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We're coming up fast on the start of July and our first-ever open submissions month. This is the month we've set aside for unsolicited and un-agented submissions.
Until now, Cryptoversal Books has been testing, developing, and experimenting with our TokenBook format using works of classic literature. This month, with major advances in our tech stack, TokenBooks can now be purchased in an ordinary credit transaction and sent to a Kindle with the press of a button.
This is a huge milestone.
We've officially left behind the era of NFTs that can also be books, and have firmly arrived in the era of books with blockchain technology running under the hood. We are excited about the potential of TokenBooks to introduce new features and formats to the publishing industry in books that remain accessible and familiar to mainstream readers. And we are especially excited to partner with innovators in the author community who share our passion for storytelling and technology.
To submit a manuscript during the month of July, authors will need to grab a Manuscript Submissions Ticket which you can pick up for free at Cent Pages. Yes, the ticket is an NFT, but no, you don't need to know anything about cryptocurrencies to collect it. On July 1st, the tickets will be updated with the URL for the manuscript submissions form.
Supplies are limited, but new tickets may be issued as we gauge author demand and the capacity of our editorial staff.
Our Submissions Editor, Sylvie, is eager to set her eyes on the next Web3 Publishing blockbuster. She is looking for all genres EXCEPT Erotica, Romance, Non-Fiction, Children's Literature, and Picture Books.
Here is her manuscript wish list:
I’m very partial to dark psychological fiction, robust non-romantic historical fiction. A fantasy or sci fi novel by a writer of colour (need much more of their imagined worlds) & a non stodgy piece of lit fic is always welcome.
One thing Sylvie NOT looking for is AI-generated text. For this round of submissions, please submit only original stories written by humans for humans.
Feel free to forward this call for submissions to any author you know who may be interested.
We recognize that many authors are new to the fast-evolving Web3 publishing space and may be skeptical about blockchain-based technologies. With all the headlines over the past year or two, there's a lot to be skeptical about.
Rest assured that we are here to answer your questions and address your concerns.
While technology is enhancing the format, the heart of a book still remains its content - your words, ideas, and creativity. We're eager to discover uncharted territories where traditional storytelling overlaps with advanced technology, and we can't wait to journey with you into new territories of narrative possibility.
Visit Cryptoversal Books at CryptoversalBooks.io
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