I want to explore the concept of ‘higher’ as a fundamental evolutionary characteristic. Not just in terms of physical space but as a prominent ethos guiding the progress of the universe - technology, society, and consciousness.
Since the beginning of time, the particle knows nothing other than higher. Inflating into the event horizon, expanding higher, beyond imagination.
As each particle attached to the next, planets grew, creating a revolving door of higher. The revolutions gave birth to higher atoms, those atoms to higher bytes.
In-between, civilizations grew. Creating humanity to its highest form. Each civilization seeking a higher form of itself. Each individual seeking a higher form of self. Evolving, higher.
In this meme of ‘higher’, we create provenance, with the inheritance of fractals.
Higher is not a lifestyle, it’s not brands, it’s not ideas, it’s not space, it’s an inherited characteristic of the universe.
Higher is abundant. As abundant as the universe.
To go higher we must accept the constraints of a new abundance. Each constraint feeding into, and from, the next higher.
These constraints exist in the ideas of beliefs, beliefs in;
Time → Family → Money → Hierarchy → Identity → Technology → Higher
I won’t cover all of these in this essay, and each of these bleed into each other, but the lens I apply today is a direction to move into states of ‘higher’. And this is not exhaustive.
The goal is to begin identifying patterns, create language, and design, to enter higher states through time.
We will find ourselves in higher lows, at any point, or within any category, but we have never had a higher sense of self. Through this higher sense of self we can create new belief structures, patterns that bring about the next higher civilization.
We must go higher to adopt new abundance.
COVID was a catalyst for time. There are few global events in history that capture and change perception of time. In these events time spent suffer immediate changes. Locations and activities happen at different times abruptly. This change creates a focus on new needs, new wants, new cracks. In these events we reach a higher sense of time.
Asking how we spend time at work, with family, with ourselves. Leaking into our interpretation of time, consciousness of time, and recording of time.
The things we do today, in one day, could be the equivalent of things we did one week, years ago. There are many reasons for this, at the heart of it all, it is time. Using it in new ways, making it mutable, relative to its past.
How we measure ourselves against this mutable form of time, makes the world more abundant, more in favor of human existence, across galaxies, higher into the event horizon.
This is a pattern throughout the universe.
How time is spent is relative to the progress of time, spending it higher the more aware of the moment we become.
So how do we spend our time with family?
Because we are grappling with a new sense of time, we are also grappling with how time changes our family beliefs, just in time for a higher family structure.
There are many depressing headlines, I’d imagine an equal number of happy headlines exist – if they were only attention grabbing. Instead, this happiness gets suppressed into society, left there for the next generation to uncover. This is another pattern, for families, in time, maybe through therapy.
Kids, I’m not sure what to believe, less kids, more kids, stagnation. Overall, my observation traveling around the world with 2 kids under 5 has been, my family is crazy. This is anecdotal, most think I’m on vacation or that I have a ton of money. When in truth, we’re experimenting and learning anywhere around the world. As a family.
This is a testament of the higher fabric that now exists in human society, and economies. To have kids and not be tied down through the physical constraints of modern economies, technology, or liberated from the old constraints of an antiquated society.
If we’re having less kids, it’s because we have trauma from our past, because there’s never been a greater time to have more kids.
There is abundance for them in higher amounts..
There are many belief structures that exist within families that prevent a higher version of kids.
Lower income families rarely see abundance of options and opportunity, yet they may not see them because the good options aren’t attention grabbing. They are simply complex. Complex because they go against the fabric of society, against the beliefs of our own. Never spoken of.
What worked for them will not work for us. The approach is different, the end is the same.
A happier family. A higher family.
But, how do you have a happier family by reframing our beliefs of family structure, and new interpretations of time, if you’re not producing money?
Higher money.
Every technological unlock has moved from speculation of money into adoption of money.
Adoption is a higher form of speculation. Speculation is fleeting, and fleeting things are necessary for innovation. Fleeting precedes a higher state, adoption. Each a higher form of the last.
At its very core, money is a belief structure with a peg between nodes. Other words to describe the idea, an edge with nodes, two dots and a line. Today the highest form of liquid money is called USD, US Dollar. The reason is simple, it garnered the most adoption. It has more edges than any other money in circulation. The way it got there, or reasons, is the least of matters. The quantity of edges and nodes represent its value.
Today we have new edges and nodes. Nodes that extend deeper into human society, and economies, allowing new edges to form, faster, easier, bringing a higher form of money.
If a country, or corporation, is a centralized regime to create more efficient nodes and edges, to help circulate money with higher value.
Blockchains are a centralized regime to create more efficient nodes and edges, to help circulate money with higher value.
Money reaches higher; speculation precedes adoption, countries precede networks, networks precede economies, economies precede money, money precedes cryptocurrency.
This is a cycle, or pattern, of recirculation. Entropy. Waste management. Renewable energy. Money is energy.
Cryptocurrency is the higher form, reaching a new lower entropy, where money can be more representative of human behavior, energy.
If crypto is the higher form of money, how do we circulate its value?
I’m giving up my path as a “founder”. I have learned to respect all titles, yet I found myself wanting to ascribe, new, ‘higher’ language to the term, founder.
Business has become a narrative. A story. And how we tell those stories matter. Especially as value can be captured earlier in time, earlier in the value chain of commerce, through higher money, cryptocurrency, on blockchains.
If founders are the ‘do all’, CEO’s the ‘manage alls’, who is the founder that is also creating the onchain story, so early in the process, that when history becomes told through onchain analysis, the narrative is more granular than ever before?
Introducing family businesses, the small business owner, the onchain creator.
A higher form of ourselves, to drive the narratives of tomorrow, through the products of today, onchain, higher.
Because we will speak to the clouds and religion requires us to go higher into ourselves.
To wrap this infinite loop of patterns, we are always going higher, no matter the headline. Inflation is to go higher. Deflation is to go higher. Stagnation is to go higher.
We always go higher, it’s a universal law.
Will you go higher?
Part 1
Collect this post as an NFT.
Over 500 subscribers
i’ll double down on this question. interested to here some why’s
If someone in passing said “Nike” to you and you didn’t know what it was, you’d be confused. Needs context. If that same person said “Just do it,” you’d be a little confused because it’s not exactly clear what verb the person is referring to, and it might sound a little aggressive. Same example except “higher” - Simple, no context required, positive, and easy to reply with a “hell yeah” in any instance. Unlike this explanation, higher is concise. ↑
agreed with this. been wearing a hat that says 'higher' and it doesn't feel weird to have that written on my head. people just seem to not even question what it means, or apply whatever meaning is most obvious to them in the moment.
Higher is a relative point in space and time. I also think “expansion” is touched in my essay often. https://paragraph.xyz/@lesgreys/a-vision-of-higher
excellent, will read today, thank you. 🙏
there is no reason to force expansion, i agree just make cool memes and let everyone participate the interested will show up or not i'm quite fine with whatever we got going problem with expansion looking at other projects is to expand without any underlying meme
agreed. expansion or non-expansion should be natural. specifically enacting measures to do either results in lack of soul imo. many brands i work for, some that i grew up liking, have lost their soul because of this.
Wow. Genuinely so impressed by and grateful for the quality of writing and diversity of thought in the "higher futures" writing contest. I've selected SIX winning submissions and upped the prize pool to 120k ↑higher. The winners are: - @jamesbeck - @simonapop - @paff - @androidsixteen.eth - @wylin - @les
@jamesbeck wrote about the creative class creating their own currencies. "Higher represents more than just a digital art project with a token; it symbolizes a paradigm shift in how we perceive and participate in the aspirational economy." https://jamesbeck.mirror.xyz/5QkrHusMclOWsa9sKH4MQhG8UXMJZvi7iKXFy64YYTY
@simonapop wrote about the importance of "the trip within." "Crypto is offering us a canvas to project our higher ideals on—a carte blanche where what we build can serve as means to improve not just economic design but (ideally) human thriving." https://pop.mirror.xyz/JoTHH4cSRw967mphJqur6hWS6vQx0q89ee0WnO1o63g
@paff wrote about solidarity economies and why a higher future could be a world where "the tools for collective liberation might be at our fingertips." https://paragraph.xyz/@paff/on-collective-consciousness
@androidsixteen.eth wrote maybe the clearest piece on the higher ideology, explaining how this network could eventually fulfill @balajis.eth's vision of a network state. https://paragraph.xyz/@androidsixteen/an-empire-network-state-of-mind
Great list!
quality writing squad 🔎
Genuinely can't wait to read all these tomorrow
Thanks for prompting us with higher incentives, @jihad!
holy heck, I really didn’t expect to be picked! Thank you so much for reading and resonating and for always being a beacon in this space. 🙏🏽
your piece is so beautiful ♡ well deserved
I'm distributing 100k ↑higher (~$10k) to my favorite writing on the following prompt: "Describe a higher vision of the future." Deadline Monday 4/8 @ 12PM ET. 750+ words. Be as specific and imaginative as possible. Goal is to get people writing about aspirational futures that people can rally around. Higher.
I think what we really need more of in the world is people describing SPECIFIC higher worldviews: What are the values? What’s getting built? What do cities look like? What’s the food like? What’s the art look like? What are we directing our attention toward? Reply in this thread with your submission.
Tokens will be distributed across my 4-5 favorite submissions. Will possibly publish in an onchain zine.
how do you recommend we take part? publish to mirror? cast?
Mirror, Paragraph, Zora screenshot essay/PDF... just needs to meet the requirements and be readable. I'd recommend putting it onchain tho so that people can mint if they align with the vision :)
higher ↑
8000 $degen
My humble submission good ser https://warpcast.com/nickysap/0xf3b3e8ac
Where is the best place to publish? An image in a cast? Thanks for doing this giveaway focused on writing!
Thanks! Sorry I missed that part =)
love this initiative 1000 $degen
@les maybe you’ll feel called to expand on your Note
Appreciate you! Will submit an expanded version before deadline.
and here I am doing unpaid labor just because I like the work you do may have to sneak in a short submission tomorrow
hahaha definitely not unpaid sir
I'm just joking but also don't want your money - pay it forward to another writer, I'm honored to be included.
x-posting here: https://warpcast.com/androidsixteen.eth/0x93e5400c
Submitting, A Vision of Higher. tl;dr 'Higher' is a guiding universal law that precedes better civilizations, through progress, and beliefs, that must be brought into awareness to persist the most optimistic form - reaching higher. https://paragraph.xyz/@lesgreys/a-vision-of-higher
This is amazing, Les. Well done!
1000 $DEGEN
1000 $degen
long-form farcaster revolution
Merge of Times: My vision for a Higher Consciousness for our World Thank you, ser. Your prompt pushed me to get the time and focus to finally write this piece! https://paragraph.xyz/@pathforward/merge-of-times
Here is my submission for the writing contest. You will notice that I embedded The Higher Society into a broader story of an alternative timeline that I started to work on 2 years ago. Opportunity for the community. We can extend this universe together. https://xh3b4sd.medium.com/the-higher-society-87ca1759c08e
Note that I don't like Medium, but this is the place I published two years ago. Today I would move it over to @paragraph if the community takes up the opportunity to extend the idea further. I think this can really become something magical. Higher for longer!
Can I prompt by hand??
bro is about to turn me into 0xwriter
hahahah we're here for it
This sounds very exciting. Can't wait to give it a try + read all of the submissions.
Would you prefer new writing with this title specifically in mind? Or might existing published writing also count/work? Any limit on number of submissions ? Assuming we’d just pop them in this comment section. Thanks for incentivising writing !
new writing but idc about title. no limit on submissions but my quality bar is high, so you’re prob better off putting effort into one piece :)
Are you going to use a "this was obviously written by ai" filter?
I am immensely grateful to you for creating this deadline, I’d been dragging my feet on this for a week. This was the impetus needed to get it over the line 🙏🏽 Focused on one quality new article as you advised: https://paragraph.xyz/@papajams.eth/funding-the-future-on-farcaster-and-beyond-with-dollardegen
Onchain house codes…and how memecoins have been overlooked as onchain accessories A higher vision of the future of fashion Higher ↑ https://paragraph.xyz/@alreadytomorrow/onchain-house-codes
Hey @jihad, Here's my vision for a higher future, but it comes with a warning. A manifesto with a Call To Arms - https://paragraph.xyz/@markmywords/a-higher-manifesto
I wrote on the rise in global collective consciousness, and the potential for liberation https://paragraph.xyz/@paff/on-collective-consciousness
My take https://paragraph.xyz/@voyage/the-higher-vision?referrer=0x4005470902ba4113d8D92E6AB4413C6142dC7150
looove this initiative! excited to read all the other pieces. here's my entry /higher https://mirror.xyz/vrtrash.eth/j4J9LbAwlj_9l0suEQdAHCkIXh5NpoIfjnWYIHXLoyg
based and higher pilled. higher.
my piece. New ERCs Brings a New Future https://paragraph.xyz/@ameliehua/new-ercs-brings-a-new-future?referrer=0x8142B9A50a603eA0eD05C5D71E91E0FC41a6EF0b
In their latest piece, @les delves into the concept of 'higher,' an inherited characteristic of the universe, in various contexts: time, family, money, and more. This exploration calls for recognizing patterns and creating language to navigate towards higher states of consciousness.