Collect this post as an NFT.
Plenty has been written about what Farcaster is already. You can find articles everywhere about it. This article is my onboarding guide to Farcaster culture, how to skip the learning curve and "Fast Rope Into Farcaster".
My account isn't massive, but I have managed to carve out a niche for myself as a gamooooooor and /tabletop aficionado on the network. I'll walk you through how to wrap your head around Farcaster for content and revealed preference and why getting your Active Power Badge matters.
Part 2 Unlocking Potential on Farcaster discusses some content I've found success with, what the heck $DEGEN is, and how to boost your reach leveraging frames and power user tools.
Farcaster is the "sufficiently decentralized" protocol used to send information and attest who sent it.
Think of it like email, sender + content
Warpcast is the primary client for interacting with the Farcaster Protocol, made by the same team.
It has additional features and gives users a way of interacting with Farcaster
Think of it like Gmail, email + spam prevention + calendar integration, etc
Email : Gmail
Farcaster : Warpcast
Users can post all kinds of data to the Farcaster network and have it attributed to their accounts through the "sufficiently decentralized" signature model Farcaster uses. Meaning there are multiple ways to save and present data.
But there are familiar views and mental models that we can use to orient ourselves on Farcaster. The Warpcast app combines some of the best features from other social networks: Twitter feed, Telegram chat groups, and subreddits for focused content.
The main feed on Warpcast is a Twitter-like interface. It has familiar ways to interact with other users through liking, commenting, and recasting/quote casting.
Telegram-like group chats can be created by manually adding users who follow you to the group or inviting them via link (with or without token-gating). Group chats have the most-used Telegram chat features like reply and react to keep multi-threaded conversation moving.
Create a group chat based on shared interests and grow it into a channel! It costs 2,500 Warps/year for a channel, which isn't that much if you crowdsource 100 warps from 25 people.
Finally, channels on Warpcast serve as places to focus content around a topic, allowing channel leads to have recurring interactions with channel followers (subreddit members) and an audience through relationships. @cameron has some great thoughts on channels:
Channels offer Creators a brand new content MEDIUM that doesn't really exist elsewhere.
A Twitter account follow CAN'T compete with a co-created feed of culture/jokes/memes between a personality and their community because Twitter's algo isn't concentrated enough to keep people clustered together for sustained community, a Telegram channel has zero distribution, but a subreddit requires waaaaay too much work and effort to keep fresh.
Channels neatly sidestep the concentration, distribution, AND upkeep problem.
... a quasi-permanent stream of [the creator's] content [is] always flowing directly to their fans too.
Channels are very powerful for focusing content and building an audience, but content posted to those channels does not appear in others' feeds without someone they follow interacting with the content.
So, getting the attention of large accounts to post/comment in your channel can bring influxes of new channel followers.
All activity boosts users in the Warpcast algorithm, and the familiar method of having an off-platform hype squad to pile onto content and boost in the feed still applies. Band together with other Farcasters to strengthen your power together, form a community together!
Farcaster has, at its core, a culture of earnest honesty and vulnerability stemming from the many /founders and YC folks that the Farcaster team cultivated in the early days.
Be a whole-hearted human always, vulnerability is cherished on Farcaster.
I hope you find your weird today nerds ❤️
As I shared in my previous article, "just push send" is a constant reminder for myself on social. Throw content out and let the audience reveal itself. Cast a lot in lots of places related to your interests and see what hits.
Farcaster (and life) runs on revealed preference, it can be very difficult to predict what people want, and they often lie to you and to themselves about what they would choose. Would you rather buy that book you've been meaning to read or have one more trip to Starbucks?
What people say (stated preference) often doesn't match what they actually choose to do (revealed preference). So, to discover an audience on Farcaster, cast a lot and let your audience reveal their preferences to you by how they react to your content.
Eugene Wei's fantastic article Status as a Service recontextualized social media for me. Social activity is your Work and your follower count is your Proof of Work.
There are multiple status games to play on Farcaster, you can be one of the funny /replyguys, a serious discussion person in /ted or /july, or even help curate the feed in /poop.
Two main acronyms to remember with Farcaster:
AVA - Add Value Always
Farcaster is about earnest human interactions, we should lean into that and find ways to add value to conversations and the spaces we inhabit
Make the feed better than you found it and be valueful 🧡
Check out /poop if you want to clean up the feed
Vulnerability is cherished on Farcaster
ABC - Always Be Casting
Throw your content to the wind and see: what sticks, what builds your audience with people, and how people reveal their preferences to you about your content
h/t to @sheldon for this gif
because Coffee is for Casters, mint the meme on Zora
Active badge is deprecated as of March 20, 2024 and is replaced by Power Badge. Click the link or cast below to read more details.
Connecting an address isn't just for Active Power Badge, you can mint NFTs directly from the Farcaster feed via frames to the primary connected address. Or claim airdrops and use the new transaction frames, social identity 🤝 crypto wallets.
Another cool thing is that you can use an ENS name as your handle on Farcaster if your connected Ethereum address is registered as the primary address via ENS! e.g. ispeaknerd.eth
The security conscious can use a workaround of creating a subdomain from their main ENS like social.ispeaknerd.eth
to use for social presence. If nothing else, you should set the ETH Address to point to the address you want to use, likely a hot wallet for convenience, but use a hardware wallet for the Owner to keep your ENS name secure.
Owner: The owner of the ENS name - the wallet that hold the ENS name NFT.
Manager: The manager of records - the wallet allowed to make changes to its records (but not transfer the name)
ETH Address: The wallet address the ENS name points to - where funds sent to a name are received.
Full details on the ENS support docs.
If you enjoyed this,
Please subscribe 💜
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Over 400 subscribers
Unlocking Potential on Farcaster wohoo this is amazing journey with Warpcast community nice writtern article bro
thanks fam, appreciate it
Thanks for collecting these two articles @katwolfie.eth 🙏 What was particularly valueful for you? What made them worth collecting?
I added them here! I’m going to try making a frame that’s not so clunky. I want the links to go directly to the articles. Maybe add buttons that link to the author’s pages too.
Have been really impressed with @fun’s weekly progress with Farcaster Studio. If you’re looking to learn more about your account, check it out.
thank you dan!!! much appreciated 🥹🫂
Just trying it out for the first time now, seems pretty useful at first glance! Cool app @fun
thank you aaron!! love your photos
<3 <3 <3
Oh nice /daily-art-mint is in here too - I had no idea!
@fun i've written some articles that would be good reading for anyone taking you up on that offer! 1. 2. 3.
and i link it from my articles but @cameron's "Fastrope into Farcaster" is still golden
dood has been grinding cheers @fun
thank you alec!
we all use neynar but everyone follows how you use it. major props
farcaster studio is a 10/10 use case to show builders what's possible when they use @neynar
Indeed one of the best hypersub integrations out there, you don’t even know you’re using hypersub, it’s that good!
Interesting. I lost my power badge last week when I was becoming more active on the timeline the weeks before. 🤷♂️
Thank you for sharing ♥️✨ I need to try it out
very impressive! just signed in!
You recommend me to give access to add casts, like, edit profile etc!!?????
it doesnt ask for permission to cast or edit profile :) read only permissions right now
when ppl say u cast too much
I've come to realize that I'd have a lot more to cast about if I stopped limiting myself to only serious posts At the same time, I'm not sure if people want to read my random, sometimes deranged thoughts, and even if they do, whether I want that to be my Farcaster legacy What do you think? Would it be worth it?
>sometimes deranged thoughts the success of /cameron and /wufs should be your answer there > my fc legacy way too serious fam, all casts forgotten at end of a year anyway (until someone builds/records an actual fullnode archival tool lmk if you know of one) read this again fam (click image to open to relevant section)
Thanks for the advice
get out there, fall on your face, get up and do it again
As much as you can but be listening to the feedback from your network Check the section on revealed preference specifically
Can confirm Human follows correlation with cast numbers 💯 Get in the arena
im curious y'all (if your fav isn't a choice angrily tell me in a comment)
great question but literally don't know what the options mean
worker placement -- blocking opponents' action options markets -- self explanatory card drafting -- choosing cards to add to your deck of randomness push your luck -- choose when to get off the ride
actually i guess they are kinda ordered by least --> most chance involved lol
lol got it and i see i picked the most popular option 😂 least deterministic probably favors beginner players the button smashing in fighter games hee hee
Love card games like hearthstone (card drafts) My all-time favorite is settlers of catan though (markets) so had to go with that
Went with card drafts, because deck building... markets are a close second though, because deck building.
oh man, sad we missed you during Dominion week then! had a lot of deck building and thinning happening week before /farcon!
I'm mostly good at wanting to play games. Not very good at having/making time to play games 😬 But yeah, Dominion is one of my all-time favorites. Gets so degenerate.
Survey has ended after 48 hours and received 61 votes.
I wish I could pick multiple but lately it's been worker placements
They're my fav too
As an omni-gamer, I like my mechanics mixed, but feel like push your luck is an easy style to teach.
yeah def easiest to teach, Quacks of Quedlinburg was popular at /farcon once we got thru the rules + symbology @db @alixkun @colton
My go to push your luck style of games that I play with non-gamers is Incan Gold or Deep Sea Adventure.
I heard from @henry that DSA was a "fuck it i'll drown but i aint letting go of these treasures" 😂😂
A mix, tied to markets!
ofc markets trumps for you 😂😂 what's the runner up?
Making a list of the best blog posts and videos about Farcaster. Please reply with your suggestions for degen tips. <3
I’m close to 400 followers here! Got some awesome content coming soon and I just started to get my tip allowance! So following along! Also I heard I might get some sort of badge?
nope, 400 follows doesn't matter as of March 20 click pic to jump to relevant section of my article
Thanks so much!
100 $degen and congrats
Thanks Cardno!
New to Farcaster/Warpcast? Check out “Acculturate to Accelerate on Farcaster” by @ispeaknerd.eth on Paragraph (or inline at the frame below 👇) You don’t have to collect it to benefit from this article but it’s great practice, supports a creator, and it’s free—so I recommend it!
thanks for reading, minting, and sharing fam! You're a real one 690 $DEGEN what was so valueful about it for you?
The brevity--it was thorough but concise--answered Qs w/o too much detail. I can tell you spent a lot of time on it to make it really readable. Also, I love the aesthetic choices, but as a newsletter writer myself, while they solidify your brand, I don't think they add any "value" & I know they take a lot of my time.
ty, clarity + brevity is my goal 💯 > I love the aesthetic choices... I don't think they add any "value" can you give me some examples about what you mean pls?
Using emojis Embedding/quoting Diff. colors for diff. text boxes ^char. limits make it sound trite I'm not familiar w/Paragraph & maybe you have a real good template or flow, but the beauty/look of this (not to mention all that you linked/sourced) makes me think it'd have taken me 10+ hours to write/edit/produce.
Interesting article, the collect thing didn’t work for me. For an “infinity” number it says sold out and go to secondary. Interesting. Just like yesterday in a server I could type but I was an invalid member. Perhaps it’s me.
Happened for me too. It worked when I used metamask browser—copy the url from whatever browser you’re using and paste it here
thanks for helping out 250 $DEGEN
Someone should make a Farcaster wiki There would be articles explaining different clients, major channels and users, frames, practices like $DEGEN tipping, etc. I feel like this could be helpful for onboarding new users, since they could have a single unified place to find answers to their questions about Farcaster
My personal onboarding guide 1/ Acculturate to Accelerate ✨
Unlocking Potential 🔐
RE: Discoverability on Warpcast Is there any value to posting something to my channel and re-casting it to a channel where it is more specifically relevant? Like when I minted this on Zora, I cast it “no channel” and was thinking of re-casting it to the @Zora channel to be seen by more people. Yes? No?
I would suggest posting once and posting in the channel that is relevant
Thank you!
Channel casts only get seen by ppl following that channel, recast into others can be good but original cast in relevant location best
So if you have a personal channel, focus on it after growing your personal following bc you can direct their attention to it You're screaming into the void otherwise
Unrelated, but I was trying to tag my colleague @alexpopovic in your request for brutal feedback on /tabletop and I’m hoping he’ll see it here. We’re both big content/web3 people but newly active on Farcaster—so thanks very much for your help. If there’s anything we can do to support you, let me know!
Copy link to your cast and cast it here for them! Can't wait to see more of your stuff, the marketing game works diff but content is content fam 🤝 Would love to see your replies in /tabletop, cast your own content, channel will get organized for all new folks Comments that get replies > recasts > likes for algo
congrats 2222 $DEGEN
Thank you and @alexpopovic and @ispeaknerd.eth for extending the goodness that touches my world. Nothing’s better online than to see my platform be a place of blessing for others.
Thanks much appreciated!
Check out my blog on FC onboarding
Super helpful, thank you very much. I don’t have 10k Degen so I don’t have an allowance and I’m reading conflicting accounts—can I use the function to tip you/others with degen I’ve purchased? Or only after I’ve been granted the allowance to start using points?
No, tipping comes from off chain allowance Keep casting, grinding engagement, get 10k in your connected wallet and keep checking
I imagine going direct to channel and engaging with others there would get best results
Gm ☕ What's your fav thing about FC? (Besides degen)
The friends I made along the way
Actual people engaging with me. Literally nothing will beat that. The sole reason I'm here.
feeling like i got to reset my social graph. after being on web2 social platforms for 10+ years, i feel like i've changed, but that i couldn't necessarily change those accounts/followings as comfortably (not sure how else to put it)
Why are you hyped on nouns?
many things but - best bet at a new public goods funding model that can scale - best attempt at onchain governance (and the dao with most integrity) - incredible, addative art - consistenty attracts very high agency, interesting people
What's nouns doing with public goods? Been more and more impressed with rev gen of gen art auction, nouns brand v strong Tokens require outside revenue sources or trend to 0. For rev seen trade volatility, NFT royalties, subscriptions, and nouns auctions. Nouns has most stable rev/brand + infra 500 $degen thanks
really, just channels are goated
Reddit for crypto!
The energy of creation and exploration in the air. It's really exciting to be part of something so new and vibrant.
It's always comes down to vibes ✨ 🤌
That it’s more natural. As I can see I, all the people here it’s trying to help
Channels that let me find communities built around specific interests I have
hell yeah! I actually wrote about it in this article, click pic to go to relevant header
The fact that it's small enough that there aren't enough toxic assholes and bots armies
the smol channels for sure, wander into /degen and tell me there aren't bot armies 😂
I guess that's true yeah, but they are more contained in certain spaces. 🤣
Working through a mental model rn 1. Good content is harder to make than bad or stolen content 2. Given a quantity incentive w/o quality penalty, bad content will always proliferate faster 3. Quality is group specific and really hard to measure So until you know what your group loves, rewards accelerate bad actors?
i think (hope) one can design an incentive scheme that avoids this by surfacing the good over time while requiring skin in the game. not with a quality penalty but with upfront cost and remuneration based on perceived value
nah. given: 1. unoriginal content uses closed resource, original content can use closed and/or open resource 2. open resource takes more time to source than closed resource 3. content spreads equally then: unoriginal content spreads faster disrupt at least one from “given” to make “then” apparently wrong
What’s the diff between open and closed resource?
local storage ~ closed grass ~ open can be nudged for your taste of originality
Are filters on photos a closed or open resource
makes sense in my smol brain.
Curators reqd 💯 Until norms are socially enforced
but without bad actors, how do we know what is good? 🤔
My take is that bad actors are unstoppable. People will always find a way to scam or farm, and a percent of other people will fall for it. All we can do is curate our circle and reward the good actors we see. Encourage them and help them feel good; motivate them to keep creating and contributing. Raise the tribe.
i appreciate the sentiment a lot, but i'm trying to build internet scale apps so i gotta try stuff to fix it 🫡🫡
That makes sense. I probably would have replied differently in another channel. I've thought through this a bit because we had a token-like system to promote engagement, and I've worked with other systems to promote content creation. I haven't yet seen anything more effective than tools to empower users to curate.
Then you amplify those tools for trusted users such that their feedback has greater weight. Think of Reddit upvotes and downvotes, but where a trusted user's upvote or downvote is worth 10x what an average user's is.
Imo rewards will always skew towards bad actors or actors that don’t need/want rewards and especially when distribution is P2P.
Can you say more about the p2p stance?
Generalizing ofc: the urge to tip becomes intertwined with the urge to receive. People tip bc others have, bc someone has large following/tip allow, bc the system rewards it. It’s lower friction/higher return than actually judging the content to be objectively good. Gaming outpaces good content and good tips
I’ll add that this is my experience as a former Reddit mod, 2M+ community, with erc20 token tips. My comment disregards the small group of people that use tips authentically to signal value and appreciation. But it’s tough to surface that activity over the noise.
I think one of the best ways to figure out what your group loves is to create lots of (some of it maybe bad!) content. This volume speeds up the feedback loop and lets you discover what really resonates with people. However, there's many examples that prove my idea at least incomplete, if not wrong!
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Podcast releases like 3 episodes a year, but they're *incredible*. So that at least goes against my idea. (or maybe he's already figured out what people love!)
relevant comic:
this comic is iconic
200 $degen for the thoughts.
content follows the rule of lowest common denominator w/o strong group dynamics = relatability
What do you not understand about Farcaster and are too afraid to ask?
Is $degen like the tipbot on discord?
2nd gen FC native memecoin. All FC data is public so it functions similarly to a tipbot yes but tips aren't real until seasonal airdrop More details in my article or go to the source at
I was listening to @cdixon.eth’s book Read Write Own. How do the post’s we make on Farcaster get tied to our decentralized selves, and does that mean we can plunk our posts from here to a different web3 social media platform?
Farcaster uses blockchain for registry mappings (username<==>fids) outside tool would need fid to look you up if use ENS for username then yes easy to read bc ENS is global identifier Reposting content, yes. Read direct from hub or use neynar API to query, get JSON reformat for other & 💥 @yup does it, ✅ it out
Fid= Farcaster id, your machine identity inside Farcaster Use ENS instead for broader identity Ethereum-wide
How to find inspiration for what to cast - I can't "always be casting" if I have nothing to say
what do you enjoy doing and talking about?
Idk tbh. I think it might be because I'm not talkative IRL, so me talking/posting about things isn't a natural response.
give me some topics and i'll find you a space to cast about it in
quite possibly never. FC doesn't need token incentives to grow, they've harnessed the status seeking monkeys in us all. If you don't need a token, don't release one, it makes everything more complicated for a US organization.
ok sir interesting
If I wanted to learn about earning my first 100 warps to create a community page, how would I find this information?
my own onboarding guide to farcaster Acculturate to Accelerate ✨ a/acc
shameless self-plug 🤣 click the picture to open directly to the relevant section
thanks for collecting @spaceman-spiff @jy626 it helps me out more than you know and appreciate the vote of confidence! Acculturate to Accelerate ✨
Great read to level up your WC game for you new Degens: "Acculturate to Accelerate on Farcaster" By @ispeaknerd.eth
thanks for sharing fam, what was so valueful about it for you? 1000 $degen
Lots of valuable strategies AVA/ ABC etc. Understanding the engagement equation and active badge were very helpful as well. Really enjoyed the mentality you shared on how you participate. Minted the article ❤️🔥
Tysm fam! 400 $degen for the qualitative feedback, it's very valuable to me!
Looks like the algo and active badge are going away, still a great article with lots of valuable advice ❤️🔥
Remember your ABC's Always Be Casting This and more in my article from last week Acculturate to Accelerate ✨
Huge Farcaster welcome to /banklessdao L2 and Ops Guild OG @0xzfi Great people Ops and process oriented Knowledge management 👏
Hey @0xzfi great to see you here (follow button smashed)
Right back at ya, @bpetes.eth! 🫡
Thank you, friend! I feel like I'm late to the party, but excited to see what's going on over here.
read those articles I sent you!
new publish who dis? Tips and Tricks for Engaging Content ✨ and Growing 🌱 on Farcaster
ty for the feedback along the way @woj.eth and @clt 🙏🙏
"power hungry basement dwellers" 🤣
It’s me !
Informative, comprehensive, well written 👏👏👏
thanks Adrienne! please share with others!
Another banger!
thanks fam! what was valuable for you??
This bit! I did not know about the weight of where you engage! Also, I think I realized while reading your post that I'm conditioned/traumatized by Twitter
i hear you on the twitter trauma, i never go on there anymore except when invited to spaces obv a ton of short comments are anti-signal (bots anyone?) but a comment chain with OP is strong signal that the post is conversation-generating
There's golden advice within this newsletter ✨ I've been experimenting with similar strategies and they've done wonders
Thanks fam, what else have you been experimenting with? I have some others that didn't make it into this article
Just some more nuanced aspects in addition to what you mentioned i.e: I've been experimenting with boosted frames on Zora to see if they're more effective than traditional link embeds. I also recommend people start their own channel. Channels can be many things, but even as a personal blog its a worthy experiment
😢 i'd welcome others posting in /nerdery but except for when we spiked 2 weeks ago it's pretty much just been me (same img as my pfp doesn't help that im sure)
Awesome ideas! I'm looking for a plan to gather attention for @metasuyo as we launch our first music NFTs next week Any ideas for art / storytelling related projects?
listening party via @event, auction off a couple live as people listen, giveaway a couple
Solid insight. Useful tips and tools. Great read. 400 $DEGEN
thanks fam i appreciate it!
great read. frame integration is dope.
glad you like it! any unanswered questions still?
Just published, Acculturate to Accelerate: Catch the Vibe ✨ to Find an Audience and Grow a Following
thanks for the feedback along the way @woj.eth @pichi @ccarfi
Nice guide! Thanks for sharing!
🙏👍 Looking forward to the $degen article! I’m still not sure how it’s being used in here…
thanks fam, coming later this week!
Dive into the world of Farcaster with @ispeaknerd.eth's comprehensive guide. Understand the interplay of AVA (Add Value Always) and ABC (Always Be Casting). Embrace Farcaster's decentralized ethos while fast-tracking your journey to earning an Active Badge.