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The Power of Suffering
How currencies for online games were created
"The Pygmalion Effect": How self-fulfilling prophecies work
Exploring the Codex of HIM
The Cortex of Money
Much like our own nervous system concentrates in places like the spinal cord and brain (which has the highest level of neural density), o...
Before the beginning of the new year, the idea of setting important goals, changing yourself and their lives for the better comes to people's mind more often than usual.
Expectations that events will develop in a certain way can make people act in such a way that expectations are realized even if they were initially wrong.
Game money as one of the main game tools was present in computer and console games of the 1980s. From there, they migrated to the 1990s and at the very beginning of the zero years of our century in the online version of these games. And the number of new games based on the accumulation and spending of virtual goods (commodity money) or in-game currency grew rapidly, the popularity of such games was off the charts. There is no point in looking for which online currency was the first. There wer...
Fintech firms like the German digital bank N26 will present themselves as innovators serving this transition, but also as efficiency-mong...
Fintech firms leverage these misunderstandings to promote the idea that cash is a burden on society, while disregarding its role as an essential component of a well-balanced monetary system.