Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.
~ Roald Dahl
Never underestimate the magic of Zorbs.
In the early-2022 era of Zora, I knew Zorbs only as colorful and iconic symbols associated with the Zora brand. As the Zorbs proliferated and attracted increasing attention, I admit I had thoughts like: Zorbs are cool, but does Zora really need a Zorb Institute?
Meanwhile, the Zorbs worked their subliminal stealth magic, showing me the error of my ways.
Fascinated by the Zorb aesthetic, I soon found myself jotting down notes under the heading "Why I Love Zorbs," all the while thinking: Where'd that come from...? I adopted a "goth Zorb" profile pic as a nod to my long history as a music nerd in the goth scene. References to Zorbs began to appear in my published work, and I started concocting phrases to capture the mood. (My favorite: "an abundance of Zorb-minting glee"). My ongoing collaboration with Trish Deneen, whose magical Zorb art adorns this essay, began with a conversation about Zorbs as omens.
By the time a new Zorbs channel launched on Farcaster on July 20, 2023, these lovable orbs had enchanted me enough to inspire a flurry of gratuitous Zorbcasting: greeting my fellow Zorb appreciators with a Zorbcast of the Day; pointing out Zorb-esque spheres in the wilds of my browser tabs; dropping hints about ideas for Zorb-themed home decor. One day, on a whim, I put together an IRL Zorb chill room inside a walk-in closet in my studio, complete with incense, drone music, a meditation cushion, restorative yoga props, and a laid-back blanket-fort atmosphere. You know, just the standard stuff you do when you're smitten with Zorbs.
But why? What, exactly, was so irresistible about these mysterious colorful spheres?
Though I call myself a word nerd, I hesitated to write at length about Zorbs. Zorb magic emerges through abstraction, diversity of voice, and collective interpretation; Zorbs clearly spark imagination and claim plenty of mindshare even with minimal or no context. There's beauty in mystery.
But multiple requests for a TL;DR settled it. It's Zorbsplaining time.
Versatile and multidimensional, Zorbs have been framed as a meme, a pondering device, a Rorschach test, and an abstract memetic icon for the Zora hyperculture, among other things. I often envision Zorbs as "attractors for generative value creation through collective attention."
According to Zora co-founder Jacob Horne, the Zorb concept — once called the Zora orb — was first discovered on a two-day livestream. Along with many other early supporters of Zora, I minted my first Zorb NFTs on January 1, 2022 to commemorate Zora's one-year anniversary and first public mint. That moment marked my first rush of Zorb-minting glee.
Zorbs from the original collection can change color when transferred to different wallets. Other fascinating color-changing properties can be found in some of the newer Zorb collections.
Among the notable milestones and viral memes in Zorb history: the State of Mind mural in Soho (11K mints); A Study of Zorbs (over 590K mints); and Zorb stickers found at various locations in downtown NYC.
A colorful assortment of Zorb interpretations:
"A Zorb is an on-chain sphere with a colored gradient released as a fun, free mint by Zora... [...] Besides looking slick and having become something of a meme — they included a function on the contract called zorbForAddress that lets you render a Zorb for any wallet without needing to own a token."
"...beautiful in a minimal and simple way, [Zorbs] were released as a free mint on 1/1/22... [...] They were the first big open edition free mint. Also they are synonymous with Zora which is just a very cool brand."
~ ccarella.eth
" to many forms of interpretation, just like creativity itself. A world? A magic orb? A ball? All legitimate interpretations that will mean different things."
"...'particles/atoms' or 'building blocks' to see what unearths."
"Conceptually sound both from artistic and financial standpoint: Simple, minimalist but dynamic, inviting to iterate. Variety without rarity due to colors changing when transferred = better liquidity."
~ 0xen
"Zorbs are everything and at the same time, Zorbs are nothing.
"Zorbs are how creators identify theirselves as Zora's supporters.
"Our way of contributing to the positive sum of art."
~ J. Valeska
Explorers amidst the vast multitudes of Zorbish expressions might encounter curiosities such as Zorb derivative competitions, mood boards, ZorbGPT projects, and Zogglz. Creative Zorbians may express their loyalties through Zorb rainbows, commemorative Zorbs to mark the Zora chain launch, and onchain quests for their favorite Zorbs.
While the canonical Zorbs live (float?) on blockchains, Zorbs also find endless expression in IRL patterns, including riding Zorbs. (Early Zorb history, it seems, may be traced back to 1994). Take your pick: a crystal ball; a disco ball; Light Reignfall, a favorite "IRL Zorb" from James Turrell's Perceptual Cells project; a mirror ball and Sphere in Las Vegas; album cover art; a planet in space; elementals (earth, air, fire, water)... if you can imagine it, why not Zorbify it?
Perhaps you're keen on the esoteric side of Zorbs? If so, you're in good company. Angel numbers are often found in the Zora ecosystem (even the Zora chain ID is 7777777), and Zora began its life as a moon-sun-moon symbol. Maybe a field of Zorbs, a Void Zorb, a God Zorb in the Zorbiverse, a Crystal Sapphire Zorb, or a secret society for Zorb holders speaks to your preferred arcane vibe.
What if Zorbs act as vessels or archetypes for collective infinite games, facilitating lighthearted playful whimsy and deep contemplative practice alike? One can never be sure where trails in the imaginal realm might lead, after all. Emergent Zorb lore even includes journeys to the Zoon (Zorb + moon).
Not feeling it yet? No worries! Even Zora's CEO admits to underestimating the power of Zorbs. Just give it some time, keep an open mind, and follow your imagination. In the meantime, don't be afraid to ask what's cool about Zorbs. Most Zorb aficionados will be glad to do a bit of Zorbsplaining and help you find the right Zorbish expressions for you.
Sooner or later, of course, the question of utility arises. Do these Zorbs serve some purpose? Or might the real value of the Zorb be found entirely outside the concept of extrinsic use, in the abstract realms of concepts and ideas?
As with Zorb interpretations and expressions, it's best to draw your own conclusions, but let's consider a few noteworthy takes.
"...these colorful spheres are meant to operate as an open-source identity system for the decentralized internet..."
~ Brian Droitcour (quoting
"Zorbs are a stroke of genius and their memetic success is helping to establish an ambient mindshare for the protocol at large."
~ matthewb.eth
"Zorb... remixability creates a distinct culture, somewhat similar to nouns' noggles."
~ dylsteck.eth
"...the aesthetic north star for this industry."
~ a1z2
"Zorbs are the all-knowing creators of the vast simulation we live in."
~ glassface.eth
• zorbs are incredibly memetic, identifiable, and remixable
• appeals to counter-culture art folk
• has that brutalist art major kid swag and edginess
• allows customized drop pages to express your own artistic vision
• it's mystical enough to be unapproachable for regular folk and thereby "otherworldly"
~ j4ck.eth
"My Zorbs journey:
> january 2022
> wtf are these colored orbs
> they are everywhere
> 7 months pass
> I listen to @jacob on Interdependence
> shame for not researching earlier
> strong desire to hoard Zorbs"
~ j4ck.eth
More than once it's been said that Zorbs are for pondering, and rumor has it that "you don't choose your Zorb, your Zorb chooses you." Something to ponder (h/t nonlinear.eth):
"Artists are often the first to discover a truth about a thing." [...] Maybe that's what the Zorbs... are all about?"
Though some say they hold no intrinsic value, Zorbs inspire wonder: might there be more to the story? Although Zorbs don't fit the dominant economic model of NFT speculation that proliferated in 2021-era crypto spaces, they may well be emblematic of a new paradigm.
Maybe Zorbs are remarkable value- and attention-attractors not despite their playfulness, but specifically because they're playful.
One approach is to frame the Zorb as a potential Zora Network token or native coin. While Zora has repeatedly stated that there will not be a token, conjecture is understandable — in part because, as crypto reveals (for better and for worse), ultimately wealth "is" at least partially imaginary.
When asked what he considered the most beautiful, surprising, or powerful ideas of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin once said:
" can emerge out of a database if enough people believe in it."
Perhaps one of the most beautiful ideas of Zorbs is that true positive-sum wealth can emerge out of a "free" "useless" meme if enough people believe in it and bring it forth from the imaginal realm.
In Zorbs we trust? Proof of Zorb as a source of trust? Trust Zorbs?
Daniel Schmachtenberger aptly described money as "an optionality token for value."** Could Zorbs also serve as "optionality tokens for value" — say, as tickets to coordinate and play infinite games to foment genuinely new economic models through blockchain tech + the collective wisdom of creativity?
In keeping with Zora's mission to make the internet "free + valuable," I often imagine Zorbs as focal points for a collective commitment to sustainable ways of supporting creative labor on artists' terms and in positive-sum ways, as a counter to extractive systems that use chokepoints to seize control of the value artists create.
What else might we imagine — and collectively bring into being — through the magic of Zorbs?
Where can aspiring Zorbians go to dive into quality Zorbish lore and history, connect with Zorb aficionados, and study The Way of the Zorb?
As the Zora emphasis on enjoyment suggests, why not let imagination lead the way?
A starter list of options:
Search on Zora for Zorbs. On Opensea, search on Zorbs by Zora to explore the original collection.
Fancy more esoterica and Zorbish arts? Pick up your Zogglz and get thee to The Zorbish Foundation, a new organization on a mission to "bring The Zorb to The Zorbless." Attractors include the Muzeum of Zorbish Artfkts, the Zynod, and a recently launched channel on Farcaster.
Browse Zorbish expressions such as the Zine of Zorbs and the collection of the Zorb Institute, "a public research facility dedicated to the study and archiving of Zorbs throughout history" (as mentioned on X/Twitter and in Zora Zine).
Connect with Energy Onchain, a Nouns-style collective that funds arts and engineering projects on the Zora Network while proliferating the Zorb meme.
Study the Guide to Zorb Making for Dummies.
Seeking fun ways to lean into the Zorb more, play infinite games, and contribute to the Zorbiverse? Ideas gathered from Farcaster:
Contribute a Zorbcast of the Day (ZOTD) on social media.
Mint Zorbs. Comment on them at The Institute for Onchain Commentary (Token Chat) and get referral rewards. for word nerds: contribute words or phrases to the fledgling Zorbish Glossary, preferably with examples (e.g., "AZAB means All Zorbs Are Beautiful." "You Zorbed it! Great work." "I recommend posing that question to Zorb Mind and waiting for an answer." "Let's try a Zorbish method!")
For topology nerds: it seems spheres are more complicated than previously realized. What about Zorbs?
Indulge your Zorbish nesting instinct. Decorate a basement, patio, art studio, playroom, hideout, or other living space in Zorbish style.
Make Zorbish toys, candies, jewelry, or accessories.
Discover (or rediscover) the Zorb gradient/radiant zone, onchain and offchain.
Start a Zorb-themed publishing imprint or other media entity. Publish Zorb reviews, ratings, and criticism. Give Zorb awards. Vote on Zorbs of the Year. (Swirled received much appreciation in 2023; don't miss its full-screen glory).
Play with the notion of Zorbital decay for a Zorb derivative.
Learn how to draw a Zorb, or make a Zorb using a public template. Make Zorbs, make friends.
Explore the Zoon.
Merry Zorbists, I hope you've enjoyed this wholesome Zorbish treatise in textual form.
Do you believe in the magic of Zorbs yet? Perhaps you're hesitant, yet intrigued by The Way of the Zorb?
Keep in mind that you don't have to be a Zorb whale to work Zorbish magic. Why not start small with Zorbposting/commenting, and forge new Zorbish paths bit by bit?
You might be surprised.
"The wizdom of Zorb is not to be hoarded but shared. Let the Zemes and Zorbisms be known to all. Illuminate the path for the Unzorbish, not as a master to a disciple, but as a fellow traveller..."
~ from the Sixth Commandment of the Zorbish
** Schmachtenberger's brilliant ontology of money (in context of the metacrisis):
"Money is a kind of token for value. It's a token for game-theoretic optionality where it has no intrinsic value, but it has maximum optionality to get me any type of value I want. […] You can't assess all types of value with a single value currency… a fungible value currency where the real types of value can't be measured there, and where you can destroy real value to get the optionality token for value. […] There's no system that has those structures that is compatible with human continuance. […] You have to change financial services to not have an embedded growth obligation."
- Zorbular
- Zoon (two meanings: "soon" and/or "zorb + moon")
- Zorbish
- Zorbozphere (also spelled as Zorbasphere)
- Zorbian
- Zorbing
- Zorboisseur
[Author's note: Thanks to the Farcaster scenius for the catalyst that brought this essay out of its long incubation phase just in time to commemorate the two-year anniversary of the original Zorb mint and align with the launch of The Zorbish Foundation. Special thanks to Trish Deneen for the Zorb cover art. And of course, much love to Zora.] 300 subscribers
Appreciate the writing and curation of resources · 👓 🔵
And I appreciate the reading, commenting, and collecting! Thanks so much for your support.
"What if Zorbs act as vessels or archetypes for collective infinite games, facilitating lighthearted playful whimsy and deep contemplative practice alike?" - @danicaswanson
Thank you for propagating my Zorbsplaining! 💜 ⚫ 🟣 🟤 🔵 🟢 🔴 🟠 🟡 ⚪ For quote collectors, there's a slightly different version of that quote here:
Cc: @lordblobbie
Thanks for the boost! I appreciate it. The Zorbs are the work of @trishd, unless you're talking about my essay The Magic of Zorbs. The art for that is Trish's work too, and the words are mine. Just to clarify! 😀
The Magic of Zorbs by @danicaswanson. Loved this. I’m so curious what little physical Zorb collectibles @jacob has in his house
Thanks so much, Trish! Glad you enjoyed it. More Zorbsplaining to come, and lots of cool Zorbish art from @trishd too. I've often wondered if anyone on the Zora team collects physical Zorbs!
I got so overwhelmed by the versions I missed some I wanted. Got caught up except this one. I’m bummed
I just realized that I'm not making good use of my $ENJOY and $IMAGINE tipping balances. Let me do a shopping session. I'll mint my favorites and tip my allowances to those. Share your art on Zora. was just about to post this in enjoy art and had the link copied already haha. here's my mint for farcon:)
ty edit!
“Walled In”
I think you might appreciate The Magic of Zorbs, if you haven't yet read it.
Sent the Paragraph link in my first comment instead of the Zora link. Oops! Here's The Magic of Zorbs on Zora:
Both lucky because it was an amazing read, and kicking myself because I missed that. I minted 21, one for myself to keep forever, and 20 to send to fellow Zorboisseurs.
I forget how many I initially minted. Gas was high but have 14 I’ve scooped up since. I stopped gifting them because people were metaphorically rolling their eyes at my obsession. I’m not a whale but a dolphin maybe 😂
Very cool! Here you go:
You can now mint @cryptosapiens.eth shorts on Zora with $enjoy 🙏 my song for enjoy, only avail a few more hours
Love the vibe. Minted!
appreciate you!
How do we find out if we have an imaging tipping balance?
Thanks pal!
By my friend @casekimba
1:11 AM - Unshake ~ Thanks for the opp! <3
amma little late, fatamorgana
Thank you so much!
Ethereal Echoes
Hi! Sharing my first free mint on Zora Sailing
This is “NO CENSORSHIP”, a badge of support for the /uncensored channel.
Thanks for doing this! 200 $degen
Mint with 1 $enjoy
have you seen my $degen basehead collection yet?
I wish there was a plugin or something to help me remember my allocations when I mint. I’ve definitely minted a few pieces and immediately kicked myself for forgetting to comment tip
$enjoy the tunes today
I can't get enough of your art. Love it. Instant mint.
Thank you! 🫠💕
Sound ON!
Love it! Minted
Thank you so much 🖤🖤🖤🖤 "Please tilt the device and look away." What do you see in this???
Wowow, max minted sir
Hey! I'm new here. Here's my profile on Zora
I still feel like Zorbs are wildly underpriced
Anywhere with a gallery for them? Thinking about that, I’m so familiar with what seem like derivatives I don’t know what’s community fun and what’s core. Like the ones that affect the profile Zorb number. Love Zora but not got round to learning Zorb lore. What’s the story? Any place to learn from?
these are the original. free mint new years 2 years ago
Ace, thanks. Have you tracked how they change when they move to new owners?
Feel free to check my recent essay "The Magic of Zorbs" for some Zorbish lore and history (with lots of links).
Oh, meant to say but thanks so much for this! Defo here for the Zorbish lore - and links.
they absolutely are
there's 50k+ of them though
Market cap is ~5m with no other way to speculate on the Zora Chain. There’s a Zorb # on Zora profiles.
see @enjoytech.eth
What is it?
Zorb? Heh? What’s that mean
$enjoy’ing my zorbs
Too many!! 333 $degen
Will be writing more on creative labor + value this year, including more on the brilliance of Zora rewards + a Zorbsplaining series.
Collection of 15 quotes from the above essays:
holy shit @danicaswanson didn't realize your /zorb article had "how to get started making zorbs" in it gg ty
Glad you found it useful! Thanks for reading and collecting. I'm quite obsessed with Zorbs and my collaborator @trishd is too, so the Zorbsplaining has only just begun... lol. Do I detect the seeds of a new Zorbish project in the works...?
we cookin'
Love to hear it. Keep us posted! Your "how to get started making Zorbs" idea might also be worth exploring in depth in a separate article or series. - interviews with Zorbish artists about their creative processes - info on Zorb-specific tools for creators - tutorial videos - etc. Something to consider, anyway.
unpopular opinion but.... personally, i don't care too much about beyond that its cool to see a decentralized group cohere around a visual meme and i want to participate but don't know enough digital artistry to make my own hence why it has sticking power it's a "Proof of Competence with digital art tools" meme
ICYMI, my new essay released 1/1/24 to commemorate the 2-year anniversary of the original Zorb mint: The Magic of Zorbs, aka Zorbsplaining for word nerds. Art by @trishd. Welcoming the launch of The Zorbish Foundation and Zogglz!
@ilyat - tagging you in reference to our convo last month about IRL Zorbs and James Turrell's work. There's a brief mention of Turrell's Perceptual Cells project. Still thinking a lot about IRL Zorbs. :)
That’s awesome, will have a read! Thank you.
gm was mostly offline for the last few days what did I miss?
Debauchery in /degen
Welcome back! Question for you, any plans to create sub channels? Would be cool to see /Zora/support 👀
No plans for subchannels at this point
incentivized spamming
/count is prob the only notable development ngl
Zorbsplaining. You missed some Zorbsplaining. 😀 Welcome back! Hope you enjoyed your time offline. As others have said, you were missed.
Degen channel bubbling over
gm. everything is still the same. but i've totally lost track of the degen channel, haha ツ i only saw that vitalik had posted something there
welcome back! I can honestly say you absence was felt. I felt like a classroom when the teacher leaves. I think everything is good. Everyone behaved.
you missed the ganymedes mint but I’m not gonna reprise the link here 🫡
... few
We are doing our first AMA on /jobs today at 130pm EST with @harpcaster
Were you off working on the latest Friendtech features?
added social follow insights for any connected wallet paying any other address 👇🏻
just DEGENS spam
New essay to commemorate the two-year anniversary of the original Zorb mint: The Magic of Zorbs, aka Zorbsplaining for word nerds. Art by @trishd. Welcoming the launch of The Zorbish Foundation today! cc @jacob @deebee
Casters quoted/mentioned in the essay include: @saintless @0xen @lght.eth @jvaleska.eth @j4ck.eth @nonlinear.eth @fascinated @ccarella.eth @a1z2 @dylsteck.eth @matthewb
This is an intensely packed and absorbing piece. Thank you for taking me along for the ride. I'm immediately reminded of comic book author and occultist Grant Morrison. He's spoken about how we create memes through technology that create reality.
You mean abZorbing? (Sorry. Couldn't resist). Great to work with you on this piece, as always. 💜 I'm not familiar with the work of Grant Morrison, but I will look it up for sure. Any recommendations for where to start?
I'm still not clear on posting vids, and there's a doozy that was my intro to him about 20 years ago, but I'll get links to you.
Punny. I'm subjected to dad jokes quite often, so I'm used to it. 🙂
Your essay describes the possiblities of people gathering around the Zorbish scenious (is that the right use of the term?) to create a probable Web3 reality.
I believe the correct term is Zorbish Zceniouz
love that you actually have a zorb chill room, I feel inspired now :D Also i feel like zorbs make perfect earrings and a great base for an allover print t-shirt. They encourage experimentation yet remain so recognizable. Obsessed.
Thanks for reading and collecting! Obviously I'm obsessed too. I spend a LOT of time in that Zorb chill room. I also have long-term ambitions to build other IRL Zorb spaces. Sounds like you may have some Zorb-inspired experiments of your own under way...? I'd wear Zorb earrings. Or a Zorb t-shirt, for that matter.
well done zorbin' & zoonin'
Thanks! And thank you for the pointer via Token Chat to that cool Zorbish living space. (Didn't mean for the image to take up so much space on the comment page, though. Not sure how to fix it). Would love to see more Zorbs and Zoons as themes in architecture, home design, and interior decorating.
Agreed. We need more architectural concepts as mints in general!
Yes. Seems like there must be collections of interesting architecture and interior design mints out there somewhere. Maybe we just haven't found them yet...? Thank you for the warps, BTW! 😊
I’m famous now👏 Great article 🙂
Thanks! In lieu of a Zorbish trophy to recognize your newfound fame, please enjoy this Zorb emoji rainbow. We don't (yet...?) have a real Zorb emoji react button in this channel, so one must improvise. 😀 ⚫ 🟣 🟤 🔵 🟢 🔴 🟠 🟡 ⚪