[Author's note, Oct. 23, 2023: To commemorate the Paragraph + Zora chain integration and Paragraph's new Zora-inspired Referral Rewards program, I've re-released this popular essay on the Zora chain. With the exception of this note and one news update — creators can now mint their work on the Zora chain without paying gas fees — the text is identical to the original version published in Sep. 2023 on the Optimism chain (and also in PDF format as a free Zora Mint).]
On Aug. 3, 2023, Zora announced the most groundbreaking positive-sum arts funding mechanism I’ve seen in web3: Protocol Rewards.
Remarkably, it even delivers ETH rewards for free creative work.
The Protocol Rewards mechanism collects a small fee in ETH from collectors when they mint collectibles as NFTs. Artists, writers, and other creators can mint their work on the Zora chain without even paying gas fees. The Zora smart contract then directs portions of the collector fees to the creators, referrers, curators, and first minter, regardless of where the mint occurs.
This means:
An artist using Zora Mints can choose not to price their art (i.e., release open editions with a price of 0 ETH), and yet
The work can accrue value in ETH directly to the creator in perpetuity, for as long as the underlying blockchain operates and people continue to mint.
I'm still floored every time I read that. Obsessed, even. Cryptomedia can be both free and financially valuable to the artists and creators? Directly? In perpetuity?
Indeed, that's Zora's mission: "....to make creating on the internet free and valuable."
To clarify: artists who set prices for their work also benefit from Protocol Rewards, and since all blockchain interactions involve network fees, even 0 ETH open editions are not strictly free for any users. (For more info, read the docs and support page).
However, it still makes sense to think of Zora Mints as "free" in two ways.
First, Protocol Rewards gives artists a new way to earn ETH rewards over time as their "free" (0 ETH) hidden gems get discovered and minted. This opens never-before-seen possibilities, especially for underrated and emerging niche artists.
Second, Protocol Rewards is the first reliable web3-native positive-sum counterweight to the extractive economic forces that financialize "free" art to the detriment of artists. The key to this value unlock is reciprocity: rewarding "free" creative labor that has long been undervalued.
A writer's take: "It’s been beyond my imagination. A free piece of art has resulted in the largest sale, by many multiples, I’ve had in my three years here. There’s something about free and Zora has found a way to leverage that."
A musician's take: "...using Zora Network as a musician right now just gave me so much hope and happiness."
An analyst's take: "As others are moving away from creator royalties, Zora has doubled down on its position with 'Protocol Rewards.' Creators now earn a revenue share on free mints, regardless of where the mint occurs."
Let's unpack some context and take a closer look at value flows in the arts.
When Art is "Free," Who Pays?
To fully appreciate the brilliance of Protocol Rewards as an unlock for "free" value flows, it's helpful to compare extractive economic forces with reciprocity norms in arts networks.
Artists' time, labor, and creative gifts are frequently taken for granted or treated as an afterthought — i.e., implicitly assumed to be available "for free." Accounting for the true costs of "labors of love" would involve a reckoning with this tyranny of valuelessness.
Meanwhile, powerful entities use extractive means such as control over supply chain chokepoints to accumulate much of the value artists create. When these systemic extractive forces (e.g., "...the big brands that think exposure is cash") co-opt the vast majority of the value generated by labors of love in arts networks, artists pay out of pocket for these egregious failures of reciprocity.
In healthy arts networks, normative patterns of value flow follow positive-sum logic, in which "free" creative work includes obligations of reciprocity to the commons. Extractive forces prey on these norms of gift economics by capturing this "free" value and financializing it in zero-sum ways that shift risks and costs onto artists.
As Zora CEO Jacob Horne explains:
"...platforms are monetizing your content by selling off the ad space, exchanging with advertisers and keeping all of that value for themselves. If you’re a large creator, you might be lucky enough to get a percentage of this value from your own content. The reason these companies are worth billions of dollars is in part because they are able to monetize your content that you give them for free.
By minting your content on a platform like Ethereum—a blockchain that is entirely public and decentralized—you now have a way to own your content that is entirely native to the internet."
Positive-sum mechanisms such as Zora Protocol Rewards can reduce dependence on these extractive entities by facilitating the return of long-extracted value directly to artists.
While the amounts involved may seem negligible at first, it's worth noting that Zora has already built a cash cow in a bear market. Consider the possibilities of Protocol Rewards in the context of composability, network effects, universal comment layers, and compounding over time. With expansive fees, Zora is beginning to reclaim artist-generated value from being structurally co-opted and accumulated by extractive forces.
Herein lies a latent superpower. Thanks to Zora, web3 now holds a new key to unlock it. To use it wisely, web3 will have to be intentional about incentive alignment that revalues artists on their own terms as artists, not only as content creators.
The Arts Generate Abundant Value
Lewis Hyde writes in Created Commons:
"The arts regularly generate their own currents of wealth, and rather than treating them as charity cases, or as loss leaders for...“true” commerce, there ought to be ways to channel that wealth back to freshen its source. If there is a commons of creativity there ought to be a way to manage it so that it perpetuates itself."
The arts regularly generate their own currents of wealth. That bears repeating, since few of us are encouraged to perceive the arts from that perspective.
What if more web3 projects took a page from Zora's playbook and developed positive-sum mechanisms that reward creative labor as wealth generation?
What if web3 channeled more of that generative wealth back to freshen its source, and developed ways to manage it so that it perpetuates itself through reciprocity?
Reciprocity in arts networks is fundamentally relational. As an example, here are some observations on value co-creation as seen through the lens of my creative process as a music journalist.
Musicians create music and release it.
I listen, enjoy the music, deepen my music appreciation skills, and further develop my tastes.
Over time, I explore the context and history surrounding the music. I listen to similar artists, follow labels, talk to other fans, and read liner notes and interviews.
Music inspires my own creativity. I write about my favorite albums, curate playlists, interview musicians, create album promo blurbs, and help build context by contributing my own input into the mix.
If my work reaches the musicians, it lets them know: "I heard you. I appreciate you. Your work matters."
If my work reaches readers who trust my voice as a writer, they may listen and recommend the music to others.
Ideally, the work I release (and the response to it) also inspires other musicians to make great music, and other writers to write about music.
I get more great music!
So does the community!
Which inspires more writing.
That's reciprocity in action. I pay it forward by using my writing skills, time, attention, musical tastes, and creative labor to add value back into the arts networks that originally spawned my own creativity. When that value is received in kind by others in the network, the conversation continues, and more value can emerge through scenius — the collective form of genius.
I think of scenius as a self-organizing form of swarm intelligence that perpetuates itself by sending tendrils out to seed and nourish further creativity. Each artist contributes something unique to the mix, and in doing so, emboldens other artists to pursue their own creative work.
In a digital media climate inundated with quickly buried "content," art labor that's met with sufficient collective attention, care, and real reciprocity can generate positive-sum value.
Attention, after all, is itself an act of creation. Zorbs, for example, serve as attractors for generative value creation through collective attention.
Zora Protocol Rewards gives artists who release "free" (i.e., gifted) work an option to earn from it directly, without prices or paywalls. In reciprocity-driven contexts, then, artists can choose to pay it forward by releasing creative work as 0 ETH Zora Mints without leaving their own pockets empty.
Imagine A Restorative Onchain Creative Commons
Imagine a future in which Zora Protocol Rewards inspires many other positive-sum mechanisms and reciprocity norms that recognize creative labor as wealth generation.
Imagine these mechanisms as force multipliers for collective intelligence in diverse web3 ecosystems.
Imagine a restorative onchain creative commons in which these ecosystems become maximally successful at mitigating the effects of extractive forces on artists' livelihoods over the long term.
In Zora's words (bold emphasis mine):
"Minting makes information free and accessible to everyone while accruing value to the creator. Zora is bringing the world’s imagination onchain so more people can realize more from their ideas.”
What if web3 were to consult the imaginal realm, peer into the depths of our crystal Zorbs, and envision the magic that could be unlocked over time if significant numbers of artists...
...receive new income streams as more people ferret out and mint hidden gems on multiple blockchains using tools such as Zora's new search function? (Try it with Zorbs!)
...use blockchain tools to pay all creative collaborators anywhere in the world directly, so no one has to chase their pay?
...have realistic paths to sustainable incomes from their creative work without pursuing day jobs/side hustles, courting favor with grants committees, attracting a massive social media following, or ranking among the top 1% in their craft?
...have more freedom to act on their desires to give, because the income from positive-sum incentive structures enables them to do so without sacrificing their own needs?
...spend less time on "hope labor" and devote more time to their craft?
What else? Feel free to continue the conversation.
Perhaps this future sounds too good to be true? Creatives are so used to getting the short end of the stick financially that it's hard to imagine things being any other way. Most artists have been lured by extractive bait-and-switch patterns framed as "creator liberation" and paid a hefty price out of their own hide. It's sensible to proceed with great care.
Of course zero-ETH Zora Mints will not be suitable for every artist, nor for all mints. Rewarding "free" work with ETH over the long term is fundamentally new, however, and merits additional recognition for that reason.
In any case, all such mechanisms will be gamed, and no doubt other limits will be revealed with time and experience. Still, Protocol Rewards seems well-positioned to serve as a path-opener for building businesses that enable more people to realize more from their ideas over time, and "rewards+++" are coming soon.
Zora is a special place with a proven track record and a top-notch reputation among artists, musicians, and writers. Their work continues to gather momentum as they build infrastructure to fund a golden age of onchain media.
I think Zora is onto something significant — something capable of building generative network wealth that can only unfold over time, and only in expansive contexts that enable art to be both free and valuable on artists' own terms.
In the meantime, it's good to remember that imagination and attention are acts of creation. Let's use them wisely.
May reciprocity lead the way.
I use the words artists and creatives more or less interchangeably to refer to those who do creative labor such as visual art, music, writing, photography, dance, etc.
In my lexicon:
Art typically means a specific kind of creative work: that which is emergent and driven by the deep mind. (For deeper insight into the phenomenology of creative processes, I recommend A Course in Demonic Creativity: A Writer's Guide to the Inner Genius by Matt Cardin).
Content creation means creative work intended for the "creator economy" or for marketing reasons such as branding and building an audience.
These categories are not mutually exclusive. Both have their place. My intent is not to malign content creation or marketing, but to clarify a distinction that's often glossed over. I like Thomas J. Bevan's take: "Content is a transaction presented as utilitarian exchange, art is an emanation of the spirit presented as a gift."
Creators can apply to people in both categories.
Value means vitality, as in this take by Oshan Jarow: "...the positive flow of vitality into a living system." I also agree with the rest of Jarow's thesis: "Over-reliance on markets is undermining the production of value. A strategy of ‘unconditionality’ can help realign progress with the production of real value."
Wealth means plenitude of value. Wealth includes access to capital and financial resources plus trust, time, attention, care infrastructure, health (including ecological and spiritual health), and relations of reciprocity.
Thank you to fellow Farcaster Trish Deneen for contributing the crystal Zorb art. All Protocol Rewards from mints of this essay will reward both the author and the artist. You can also mint her first Zorb.
Thank you to Nikita Singareddy for the light bulb moment on the distinction between abundance and accumulation.
Thank you to Dr. Jason Fox (foxwizard) for kindness, camaraderie, and a pointer to Nancy Kline's Ten Components of a Thinking Environment which led me to "attention is an act of creation," an idea I find myself returning to over and over.
Thank you to the collective intelligence of the Farcaster scenius — a key ingredient in the emergence of this essay.

Collect this post as an NFT.
First time I've ever wanted to mint a cast. What's the best way to do that? This needs to be immortalized on my Zora profile where I can see it daily and link it to the original essay. (Thank you once again, David!)
ICYMI, here's the essay in question: https://paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/free-valuable-zora-protocol-rewards?referrer=danicaswanson.eth
also I think you can just reply @mintit
🚀 The cast has been minted as an NFT! You can check the transaction here: https://explorer.zora.energy/tx/0x5b365b5f9afa8f127399141ea08c31f2cb9177fa1f9cd2728dfee1f1028100f3
Save cast as image and upload to Zora!
You can use @mintcast
Just curious if you've tried any of the methods pepole mentioned in replies yet. I'd love to know if you've chosen a method and how it worked for you.
Appreciate the share of this quote from my essay. I still love Zora and I'd love to be credited and tagged anytime you see this in the wild. https://paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/free-valuable-zora-protocol-rewards?referrer=danicaswanson.eth
zora nailed it
Thanks for quoting my essay! I love Zora and it's nice to see this making the rounds. Would love to be credited/tagged anytime you see this in the wild. 😃 https://paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/free-valuable-zora-protocol-rewards?referrer=danicaswanson.eth
One of my favorite essays ever
Thank you so much for saying that. It means more to me than I can say. It's one of the best compliments I've ever received in over 30 years as a pro writer. I'm going to mint your cast, because that needs to be on my Zora profile where I can look at it daily.
Interesting thread on the shortcomings of the word "tip" when giving to artists. I hope we'll eventually move beyond "tipping" and toward "gifting" or "patronage." An important point: "...the value is flowing two ways. If I give to an artist, it is because I have derived enjoyment from what they have produced."
Just read this excellent article by @danicaswanson, which really helped me to see the use of protocol rewards on /zora as a "positive-sum" system enabler. Highly recommend giving it a read ✨ https://paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/free-valuable-zora-protocol-rewards?referrer=0x316822580ee3725209fD96b1208ef53b73825E56
Thanks so much for the recast! I'm glad this essay resonated for you. I'm endlessly inspired by the mechanism design of /zora protocol rewards. I appreciate the social, psychological, community-building, and labor-saving aspects every bit as much as the financial aspects. I'll be writing more about this for sure. :)
of course! happy to pay it forward :) me too! Originally, I thought that blockchain & NFTs would inherently enable this positive sum system via royalties, but the marketplaces killed that 😔 It's extremely encouraging to have other protocols built that inherently enable abundant aggregation over time
Ok calling all writers! Please comment & share something you've written that you're proud of 🙏 The ask of everyone who sees this cast is: take a few minutes to check in & read something from here on this fine Sunday I'm going to give away $degen to everyone who shares something credible
new article out soon but until then, another shill for this one: https://rileybeans.mirror.xyz/loC_MQMkZSnxiMMq0bde2S-UTUQ1gwn0pqLOOgfNFE4
Amazing Riley, thanks for sharing! 690 $degen
coming soon, an explainer for Farcaster + DAOs
I really enjoyed this one, interesting topic worth reflecting on. The piece also flowed well from start to finish - looking forward to your next post!!
🙏 tysm!! Really appreciate compliments like these, especially from such a well-respected writer like yourself!
Nice one. I like the idea of hyper curation. Also... the colour idea on YouTube sounds intriguing. One of the criticisms of YT is that they pull you into rabbit holes of ever extremer thoughts. Basing recommeded vids on thumbnail colour might expose us to much more varied content. 500 $DEGEN
Thank you!! ha! maybe if they improve it but in my experience so far it's a fairly failed experiment. will check back in a month or so to see if they've improved or abandoned it. lately I'm getting more videos in my feed with under 1000 views and they've been surprisingly pretty decent.
I sometimes write long threads on art and artists. A recent 1/1 purchase from artist @osf inspired this thread on Twitter - https://x.com/inceptionally1/status/1744517302509248559?s=46&t=oQ-HevQn5HLmD_2NsikYIQ
Sweet I’ll check this out!
"Free + Valuable: Why I'm Excited About Zora Protocol Rewards" has been my most popular and well-received essay so far. I'll be writing more about protocol rewards this year. https://paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/free-valuable-zora-protocol-rewards?referrer=danicaswanson.eth
Loveeeeee this 1000 $degen - thanks for sharing Danica!
Great read, really jived with how you linked protocol rewards with the "scenius" concept.
Really appreciate the kind words, William! Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Oh, yes. I remember this one. Loved reading it back then. 500 $DEGEN
Thanks so much Arjan! Glad you enjoyed it. 💜
This is very helpful! Thanks so much for putting it together, will finish reading tomorrow 😊
Glad to hear that. Thanks for taking time to respond!
my pleasure! it was really well-sourced and written 👏 very much one of the main reasons i've been excited about blockchain is for the positive sum system you described. a question: for this system to occur, does everything have to be minted on Zora? i.e., base or OP wouldn't initiate rewards?
That's a generous idea. Thank you. So, I've been writing something. And I have some poetry. I wrote about the potential revenue streams for poets and writers in Web3 and what they might mean for writers: https://trippleeffect.substack.com/p/because-thats-what-youre-worth
And I had a lot of fun doing the thing that inspired this poem at @brightmoments Paris: https://zora.co/collect/zora:0x4e04e6e144a4013c66d18be2b2cd23b6c69261ae/7?referrer=0xB31Faa5c1D581C70F4b6ed095c944936cBd2a357
Love itttt
Thanks, Ben. Bright Moments was fantastic.
1000 $DEGEN (Will go and read some replies and tip some degen, too).
I really want to do some longer form writing. Need to just sit down and do it then publish on @paragraph I’ve been wanting to expand on this idea below and some others https://x.com/gskrovina/status/1754581237421801917?s=46&t=LNZpH03544B952EdXOUs2w
Please sir, do it
Maybe i’ll dedicate my plane ride to Denver to just writing a longer form piece
Yes, go for it. Paragraph is a very easy-to-use and crypto-friendly platform.
i hate that i know this, but the bachelor has basically weaponized all of its past contestants into a content/influencer machine. Feels like a similar angle could be used here.
And with a platform like farcaster, it’s pretty seamless Didn’t even think about this but it’s a good point
Oh heck yeah I used to write a newsletter for the proof ecosystem until I realized they were grifters, so I did delete a back catalog so people didnt go down that path lmao But still have some including my solana defi call in summer https://bitfloorsghost.substack.com/p/solana-summer
Love it 420 $degen
I started a personal journal. Today is day 2. And each day, that journal entry will turn into art on /artjournal Writing throughout the day the amazing things my kids do and how much I love them is already helping me feel more grateful, which is amazing because I was already pretty darned grateful.
Love it
I wrote and narrated this (too long to share text here) https://exchange.art/single/DvH8ErtPNLED6Vsj43iDTZ6cunTtAV3ga1KdDYYuaqwW
awesome 690 $degen
Published my weekly newsletter “Recalibrating” today 🟣 Commented on the creator economy as I see it, and how web3 and fc can help make creation more sustainable ✨ Working on the shortened paragraph version 😊 https://open.substack.com/pub/wanderloots/p/36-building-the-social-fabric-of
420 $degen thanks for sharing!
I wrote a piece for somebody who wanted to be a trader. He didn't know how to get started, so I outlined an approach for him. The notion "runners run" is to say that you should only focus on what really matters in the beginning of any journey. https://powerlaw.systems/runners-run-nothing-else
Awesome 👏 420 $degen
“The Tower,” a creepy short story about a mysterious castle that I wrote before Halloween. https://open.substack.com/pub/unnerving/p/the-tower
Hey Tom. I've saved this one for reading later. But I love that you are sharing a piece of fiction here, too. 500 $DEGEN
Thanks, Arjan! Appreciate you.
during the bear I forced myself to collect my thoughts on web3/crypto to re-affirm why it's valuable and unwind the tension between usability and decentralization. Haven't shared externally, but maybe someone might find it interesting https://sonarlabs.notion.site/The-Mott-and-Bailey-f027b89450b04a1cb90c92de4cae00c9
Love that, thanks so much for sharing! 690 $degen
https://www.jaypeg.me/p/modular-blockchains-and-saas-companies comparing the SaaS bubble with the modular / stake-for-airdrop meta
lfg, I haven't read this yet, ty king $1000 degen
2000 $DEGEN
Wrote this morning. (Few hours later Chris Dixon managed to say basically the same thing better in only a few casts, good reminder to continue practicing 🤣) https://mirror.xyz/in-transit.eth/-sgxfbzzaUpqdrmG4bgjLdMwMcTsFEUC0S24YNn5ook
Lolll love it, that happens to me often too, thank you for sharing! 420 $degen
Learned some stuff from this one, nice work!
@wmp.eth thanks for taking the time to read it 🤝
The content barbell theory made me think that the distribution of content will turn out to be bell curve shaped.
Oooh, I love this framing.
Also, great initiative 1000 $DEGEN
👊 👊
nominating one of my favorite friends that’s good at writing words @wgm
love it
https://kairon.mirror.xyz/8MrhO4WJLSwe6mbQaNA98cUXLNJnI0gVzXDlUrle-tA https://kairon.mirror.xyz/MEiTC7wooDPcDkZrv7twX2VxNkla7afBgCBAtxFdeRc https://kairon.mirror.xyz/NecN36PnnXcrY5Hw0mst5Ip0RdTFMG2PGEFaxeFyJSY These are my web3 social trilogy, if you squint you can see FC's current meta predicted in them
King lfg - 1000 $degen
Working on the next one for this saga! All thoughts and opinions welcome
Awesome man
Have read all of these previously and learned so much. I keep them on my list of essays to revisit regularly. Thanks for writing them! 400 $DEGEN
People like you are the reason I write, thank you for being here and reading them!
This one really stuck with me. It's about what comes next. For me it's why talking about open permissionless systems is important. If nothing else, it's good to have alternatives. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/what-comes-after-the-end-of-the-world/
Thanks for sharing Daniel! 690 $degen
Finally clicked the “Publish” button on first Mirror entry (and was First Minter on several others) · 👓 🔵 https://mirror.xyz/seeingblue.eth/Km3JViFB3h3-jrUoGp2m9ldLf89d8onTw_0EUx9j3yo?referrerAddress=0x8d85d3EdeA57b09fEe39c94E5e0cA2757EBB6BE7
This is probably my favorite one so far. I received messages from people saying it was genuinely helpful so I been writing more and more 🤠 https://x.com/daftura/status/1752345994203910295?s=46&t=eb6wrEjfJDkXG-Lax7P4zg
protocol rewards are going to be space-changing, meta-changing and most importantly life-changing.
Indeed! I have so many layers of appreciation for the mechanism design of protocol rewards. The psycho-social, community-building, and labor-saving aspects of protocol rewards interest me just as much as the financial aspects. Definitely planning to write more on this.
Please do! Yall have been sending me down a real rabbit hole
Working on it as we speak! It'll probably be a couple of months before I can release a new piece, but in the meantime, here's my best writing on it so far. Free + Valuable: Why I'm Excited About Zora Protocol Rewards https://paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/free-valuable-zora-protocol-rewards/?referrer=danicaswanson.eth
I actually read this a few days ago! Somehow did not put two and two together lol wow, wild Honestly was such a great read and a great deep dive into why this is so game changing
Just launched Paragraph post frames. Paste any Paragraph URL and we turn it into a frame that lets users: - one-click subscribe to your newsletter - read the *entire post* straight from the feed (themed using your custom Paragraph theme) - visit the post online, with the original caster getting all referrer rewards
Test it out using the inaugural /seedclub post, sent out earlier today: https://paragraph.xyz/@seedclubhq/seedclub-network-news-jan-30-2024
So good!
The “read online” link isn’t opening the browser for me (is it supposed to?)
Is your app updated? Support for this was added earlier today; I had to restart my app a bunch before it was updated and started working
Updated but had to restart again and now it works!
!! Of all the wonderful frames I’ve interacted with over this wild week, this is the one that has me most excited. So so cool! Great work!!
Amazing! This is a game changer!
You should apply!
420 $DEGEN
@launch Paragraph Frame - Upgrade
You scouted @colin’s launch! https://www.launchcaster.xyz/p/65b9c092676acbfaea456bfa
Love this - I now want to read these instead of threads.
I think keeping the subscribe button while reading inline would be better (also this is one of the most useful frames so far, great job)
Thanks! And that’s good feedback
Where can I find this internet explorers stream on friday?
This is so great!
very cool!
What about my ad impression!? 😂
omg this is crazy (good)
Would love to see a Collect button here too!
As soon as we can mint on Warpcast without airdropping, 100%! Hoping it’ll be soon https://warpcast.com/colin/0x55524b70
This is epic - thanks Colin 🙏
This is so awesome
wowww this is so good!
probably the most useful frame I've seen. Congrats!
Lfgg 🔥 Literally just turned today’s onchain letter into a frame and was thinking about how annoying it would be to do this for every post. Awesome job paragraph team 👏 https://warpcast.com/yb/0xe51bcb07
Testing, testing, one-two-three... https://paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/free-valuable-zora-protocol-rewards?referrer=danicaswanson.eth
I've already read 2 posts I wouldn't have because I don't have to open a browser
The unlock is mad 😱
Nice! I want to see https://paragraph.xyz/@eunika/journeys-begin-in-lovers-meeting
This is sick 🥳☝️❤️
Tiny nitpicky note but it’d be slightly nicer to have the right / forward arrow on the top line and “read online” as the big button on the bottom (Maybe even keep subscribe as a fourth option here?)
Agreed, but I don’t think I can do that without messing up the desktop positioning Cc @v on a real life usecase of button positioning
good feedback thx!
Great product.
This is cool but the "leaving warpcast" popup is an issue imo. Before, you could just click the OG preview and the link would open, now there is this extra friction. A newsletter like Outcasters does not benefit much from the "read inline" feature since it's mostly visual casts instead of text.
Wait, I take that back. I did not realize that if you click the image, it opens the post url like it normally did before.
this is the way!!
very cool!!! Love this
Is Warpcast throwing up this dialog when clicking the "Read Online" button. It's very intimidating!
absolutely epic!
696 $degen
Read inline is so handy, great feature!!!
Testing it: https://paragraph.xyz/@ina
Only works on posts, not publications! Gotta share one of your posts
Oh yeah, my bad. It works now :) https://paragraph.xyz/@ina/why-cup-noodles-are-so-popular
Really nice, Colin, I love "read inline."
wow, really really good.
Read online button does nothing on Android / warpcast
Honestly, pretty cool. I could see it working really well for something like /poetry or flash fiction because you could include the entire piece right in the feed.
the development speed is insane, well done to the paragraph team 🫡
Nice! Will personally get started using Paragraph too!
Ggs major unlock 🔓
read inline 🥵
Absolutely a thing of beauty
Awesome! It even works for paragraph publications with custom domains: https://solosalon.clinamenic.com/5
Aw im getting an issue with “read inline” for custom domains. Will fix!
Ah I hadn't tried that yet. Still awesome though!
So cool!
Testing https://markmcclure.xyz/introducing-markmcclurexyz
There’s a bug with custom domains and reading inline - will fix shortly
ok working now! https://markmcclure.xyz/introducing-markmcclurexyz
Will be writing more on creative labor + value this year, including more on the brilliance of Zora rewards + a Zorbsplaining series. https://paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/free-valuable-zora-protocol-rewards/?referrer=danicaswanson.eth https://paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/the-magic-of-zorbs/?referrer=danicaswanson.eth
Collection of 15 quotes from the above essays: https://zora.co/collect/zora:0xf3c4a4026a790aea33951778bf363380210b06d4
To commemorate the @paragraph + @zora integration, I've re-released this essay on the Zora chain. Thanks to Paragraph's new referral rewards program, I'll receive a small reward when collectors use the link below. https://paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/free-valuable-zora-protocol-rewards?referrer=danicaswanson.eth
Great to see this piece featured on the Zora main page today alongside my interview with @colin about the new referral rewards program. Looking forward to reading the other featured pieces from Paragraph writers! I'll be checking the Zora page regularly to find new work to mint.
More info: https://warpcast.com/colin/0x745d8031