Word-of-mouth is a powerful way to drive growth for creators.
Historically, word-of-mouth has manifested through endorsements & recommendations. These have typically been manual and lacking incentives.
Starting today, Paragraph creators are able to recommend other newsletters on Paragraph, while getting rewarded for driving quality subscriptions. Whenever a reader subscribes to a newsletter, we'll prompt the reader to optionally explore & subscribe to that newsletter's recommendations.
This encourages readers to discover a wider range of content & also incentivizes a dynamic ecosystem of creators supporting and promoting each other's work. Creators will also get rewarded - immediately & automatically - as part of our referral rewards program, for all quality subscriptions they drive.
Recommendations also work entirely in-frame: readers can now subscribe to a creator (and the other newsletter's that creator recommends) without ever leaving their feed or inbox.
As a creator, in your Paragraph dashboard head over to the new Growth tab to begin adding recommendations.
You'll be prompted to enter in Paragraph newsletters you want to recommend, and an optional reason as to why you're recommending them.
As a reader, after subscribing to a newsletter you'll be presented with that newsletter's recommendations. You'll be able to click through to read, or one-click subscribe directly.
If a writer recommends another newsletter, their wallet address is set as the referrer for all subscriptions they drive to that newsletter.
Whenever a referred reader take a positive-sum action on that newsletter in the future (such as collecting a post or purchasing a crypto recurring subscription), the original referrer will get paid immediately & automatically in crypto.
Since launching our Paragraph frame, we've driven thousands of organic subscriptions to creators across Farcaster and XMTP.
Paragraph recommendations also work in frames: after subscribing to a newsletter in-frame, readers will be prompted to one-click subscribe to that newsletter's recommendations, without ever leaving their feed or inbox.
We're excited to continue exploring ways to incentivize, reward, & help creators grow meaningfully.
Over 2.5k subscribers
Test comment
Test comment
Testing something https://paragraph-nextjs-git-feature-par-3630.paragraph.xyz/@blog/recommendations
Testing something else https://paragraph-nextjs-git-feature-par-3630.paragraph.xyz/home
testing https://paragraph.xyz/@blog/recommendations
test https://paragraph.xyz/home
new test https://boxer-prompt-totally.ngrok-free.app/@blog/recommendations
test https://paragraph.xyz/@blog/recommendations
Purple button 😇
Dope upgrade Colin 🤌
i agree... WoM is very powerful. but i skipped the reccos when I subscribed to your newsletter. the UI flow reminds me of extra features i automatically skip w/o looking when buying a domain on GoDaddy. i only realized after the fact that this was the feature you were talking about. another option might be to include them in rotation in this footer section of the post pages?
Test http://paragraph.xyz/@blog/recommendations
linking out to Read is broken :/
working on refactoring some stuff! it's a work in progress meant to narrow-cast this but alas
congrats on the ship nonetheless :)
ahh it’s happening lfg 🙏 I always hated that damn read inline button
Hmm no read in line button for some reason ?
work in progress :)
Just launched: mint Paragraph posts directly from your Farcaster feed with our new in-frame Mint button. The caster of the post automatically receives crypto (referral rewards) for every mint. Create (or share) Paragraph posts and get rewarded. Test it out: https://paragraph.xyz/@blog/recommendations
Note: if you're sharing a pre-existing Paragraph post and the mint button doesn't show up, you'll need to bust the Warpcast cache using this "scrape again" button: https://warpcast.com/~/developers/embeds
Referral rewards I’ve received just for sharing this post, sent automatically to my @coinbasewallet 🙌
Can you break this image down a bit further? The sending address looks to be the same for every transaction here. Is it coming from a custodial wallet?
- user clicks "mint" - user sends 0.000777 ETH to smart contract - smart contract forwards eth to separate FeeManager contract - FeeManager contract immediately sends to referrers, creator, and Paragraph address you're seeing is the FeeManager
Perfect! Thank you for clarifying
Curious why the mint button only opens the Coinbase wallet and not allow us to choose ?
I think this is on the Warpcast side.
My Warpcast settings? Haven’t seen that issue with other frame mints
@joeljohn you requested this a little while ago, it's now live :)
Is this how we can post newsletters here?
This is really cool! Could even do stuff later if usage is high like sponsored mints for people who read all the way to the end in frame or other fun campaigns
This is actually game changing, nice work!
this is so epic - way to go paragraph!
Tasty! Will try it!
throw the mint option at the end of the frame (after reading inline) too!
ah good idea!
This is awesome! I really like that the caster of the post automatically recieves referral rewards. It would also be cool if you could share multiple Paragraph posts in a single frame with the option to mint each. Kind of like what I did here: https://warpcast.com/ghostlinkz.eth/0x7756a2e9
Nice add!!! I need to write more, thanks for the reminder. 🥰
very, very cool
Oh heck yeah
RIP literally the day after I published latest 🤣🤣 looking forward to publishing more https://paragraph.xyz/@ispeaknerd.eth/unlocking-potential-on-farcaster?referrer=0x3eefaa9d6e2ab7972c1001d41c82bb4881389257 Tips and Tricks for Engaging Content ✨ and Growing 🌱 on Farcaster
killer update tysm colin
@topframes.eth !new So cool!
AHHHHHH this is awesome I'm so excited to end this business trip and start writing/building my own stuff next week.
@base only or @0xpolygon also?
🔥 🔥 🔥
Just launched recommendations on Paragraph: creators can now recommend other newsletters while getting rewarded for driving quality subscriptions. Support & promote eachother's work while helping readers discover more. Plus - also works in-frame! Subscribe below to test. https://paragraph.xyz/@blog/recommendations
s-tier feature, lfg Paragraph team 🔥 Excited to see all the /paragraph creators help each other out with growth!
Thank you for launching this!
Love this idea
is there a dashboard to see your referrals? would be kinda cool
Love this feature!
Wowow!! Sounds amazing!! Just gave it a try and wonder if this is the expected behavior, I am using android mobile 🤔 (Also loving Paragraph!!! Thanks for creating it 😉)
Love this. Thank you!
What a great idea! 🔥 🔥 🔥
Exciting update from @paragraph! Creators can now recommend other newsletters while earning rewards for each quality subscription they facilitate. The innovative feature encourages broader content discovery and supports a dynamic creator ecosystem. It's all about growth!
Cool! Just added @web3academy, @yb's Onchain Letters, and @base's Onchain Daily to our Recommended publications. https://paragraph.xyz/@layer3
Appreciate it, means a lot!